Holy moly! The end of this semester crept up much faster than I was anticipating it to. I did a few polishing touches on my website (changing the home button to link to the portfolio) and I’ve got a plan to continue writing on a schedule when I’m not submitting fiction as assignments. Moving forward, I plan to:

  • remove my legal name from the site so it’s completely under my pen name
  • continue writing and posting flash fiction on Tumblr and Ko-Fi
  • maintain my beginning relationship with Duck Prints Press
  • Edit a story from my intro workshop and submit it to a literary magazine that focuses on dark speculative fiction
  • submit my long piece from my senior seminar to Apparition Lit
  • adapt a short story into a longer format, perhaps a novella or novel?

Writing fiction professionally is a beast that I don’t think I’ve been adequately prepared for, but I’m starting to learn more about the process and how to get myself paid for my art without forcing myself to do things I’m not passionate about.

Without further ado, here is my portfolio and other places where my writing can be accessed:

V.Z. Addams Writing

V.Z. Addams on Ko-Fi

V.Z. Addams on Tumblr