This week, I wanted to figure out how I might try to organize my stories in a way that is easy to navigate. My first thought was a drop-down menu, so I went about implementing that on my website. I went digging around W3schools for a way to do what I wanted to, and I found a tutorial for a dropdown menu. I created a testing page so I could figure out how to incorporate the drop-down menu without breaking everything on my website. I have found it to be an incredibly helpful tool when figuring out how to format my website without affecting the polished product.

I figured out how to edit the colors of the menu to make it fit the rest of my site, as well as how to insert it into my navigation bar without affecting the rest of the links there. I initially tried inserting it between the “Resume” and “About” links, but for some reason, that opened the dropdown menu when I hovered over the “Resume” link. I ended up putting it after all of the links, and it appeared where I wanted it to and didn’t open when I hovered over other links. Putting the dropdown menu into the Portfolio section was probably the easiest out of everything. 

Putting the dropdown menu into my About page was significantly more challenging. When I added the dropdown menu, it turned the entire background the same red as my header. To resolve that issue, I borrowed some code from the Portfolio to create more dividers, and I was able to create a nice grey background for the text instead of it being dark red. I also added my “Memento Mori” footer to my About page. The dropdown menu won’t turn darker when I hover over it on the About page, and I haven’t figured out why yet. 

I am not going to put the dropdown menu on my Resume page because, after this class is over, I will be deleting it. I don’t find it particularly helpful to what I aim to do with my creative writing career, so I want to leave it up for this class, but that’s it. 

Next week, I plan on creating pages for my stories, adding those links to the dropdown menu, and attempting to figure out why the button won’t change color when I hover over it on the About page.

My links in the body of the page also break for some reason with the dropdown menu. I removed those links, and I will try to figure out a solution to that in the upcoming weeks.