Digital Built Environment and Infastructure Michael Haines discusses on why we should care about the digital built environment on in “Why Care About the Digital Built Environment”. This article mostly talks about the possible future of the DBE (Digital Built Environment) in regard to infrastructure, including 3D representations of every building and a full dataset of it. This is […]

Arup Digital Built Enviroment Arup talks about the future of the digital built environment in “The Digit Built Environment”. After they cover what new technology they will provide in all forms of transportation they then talk about the world of possibilities. To further extend their credibility they presented their full list of digital specialists along with descriptions of […]

Annotated Bib: Trying to Evaluate Youtube Channel Amy Mae-Elliot, professional writer on all things gadget wise, explains how one’ can design a good youtube channel. She talks about a few main points, including a custom background image, color scheme, and many other things. This source did not contain many flaws, although to better add things she could’ve asked a successful youtube […]


10 Top Principles of Effective Web Design Shortie designs, a leading website design company, gives website tips in “10 TOP PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE WEB DESIGN”. They organized in images, colors, purpose, communication, typefaces, grid based layouts, the “f” pattern design, load time, and most importantly mobile friendly. This is evidence in the many interactive picture they […]

Content Control on the Internet

Melissa King argues for more content moderation and regulation of the Internet in “Better Online Living through Content Moderation”. She also argues that people who oppose this argument create a culture that makes it the victim’s fault if they encounter something they don’t like. Because of this content control could help limit potential PTSD attacks […]

Classroom Built Environment Impact on Its Students

  Barnett, Peter, Fay Davies, Yufan Zhang, and Lucinda Barret. “The Impact of Classroom Design on Pupils’ Learning: Final Results Of a holistic, Multi-level Analysis.” The Impact of Classroom Design on Pupils’ Learning: Final Results Of a holistic, Multi-level Analysis. Crossmark, 11 Feb. 2015. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. In this article a group of scientist researchers Barnett Peter, Fay […]

Interior Design Tips

  Story, Justine. “Tips to Stage a Home and Increase Chances of Selling.” Tips to Stage a Home and Increase Chances of Selling. Network Communications, 25 Feb. 2016. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. Justine Story, 22-year interior veteran and receiver of the Lifetime Member/Multi-Million Dollar Sales Club talks about how to increase sales in an interior […]

More Accommodating Bathrooms

    Emily Bazelon, American journalist for the New York Times Magazine, goes more in-depth in the one of the clearest reflections and reactions to the current gender revolution: the bathrooms in “Making Bathrooms More Accommodating”. She starts off by defining the bathroom, explaining that it is a place “where we undress and obey the […]

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