More Accommodating Bathrooms


Picture Taken from  Article, its details are located there.
Picture Taken from Article, its details are located there.



Emily Bazelon, American journalist for the New York Times Magazine, goes more in-depth in the one of the clearest reflections and reactions to the current gender revolution: the bathrooms in “Making Bathrooms More Accommodating”. She starts off by defining the bathroom, explaining that it is a place “where we undress and obey the dictates of our bodies and therefore feel vulnerable”. (1st p.) This can lead to discomfort and sometimes and actual trouble.

Now with the emergent wave of transgender people, we are tasked to rethink and reevaluate the signs and designs of society. She explains that while schools have “agreed to call transgender students by their preferred names and pronouns, and allowed them to join the sports teams of the gender with which they identify… where they should change and shower and use the bathroom has been trickier”. (3rd p.) She present her evidence with a situation the occurred in suburban Illinois where a transgender female who asked to change in the female locker was sent home because of ‘‘privacy concerns’’ (4th p.), however she was eventually allowed in on the condition that females could change behind a curtain if they choose.

Bazelon then explains the origins of the frequented word behind this major issue, “accommodation” (5th p.) which could have a meaningful or compulsory effect. ‘It implies a two-way street,’’ says Mara Keisling, co-founder and director of the National Center for Transgender Equality’. (6th p.) In the Victorian era, Bazelon explains, was the time when gender segregated bathrooms were introduced, making gender separated bathrooms a cultural creation. The male urinals could be seen as an accommodation for the male body will females wait for a stall.

Bazelon in conclusion advertises the Transgender Resource Guide, its strategies, and concludes that “The ache lies in the word ‘‘belong’’ — another basic human need we all share”. (Last p.)

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