Eliminating the Gender Barriers




Suzanne Tick, creative director for Teknion Textiles, design consultant for Tandus Centiva, and the founder of Suzanne Tick Inc. urges for post-gender designs in “His & Hers: Designing for a Post-Gender Society”. She argues that designers “need to work and …help promote acceptance and change.” (1st p.) She explains that previous gender roles are becoming less relevant along with the history of genders roles and how they’ve changed.

She gives evidences of these changes by talking about Emma Watson’s speech and Martine Rothblatt who is the highest paid transgender female executive in the world. Tick explains that the forefront of change should be the textile and carpeting industry, because they could potentially make the most money from it.

She also explains that other faster changing industries, such as fashion and beauty, have started to embrace and reflect these changes like Alexander’s women coats having a masculine look and Annemiek van der Beek’s Primal Skin makeup line being “designed to be appealing to the male buyer”.( 5th p.) The focus of change, according to Tick, are the bathrooms. The bathrooms of corporations have started to include “gender-neutral or unisex bathrooms” which “allow[s] all individuals to feel comfortable, safe, and included”. (8th p.)

The main problem concerns with the accommodating of everyone so that they don’t feel left out and by removing this problem Tick believes will eliminate a lot of hardship.

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