Teacher Resources

There are several platforms I use to enhance teaching and learning for my students.  My goal is to create the most engaging experience that allows me to continuously assess student knowledge and conceptual understanding.  Below is a description of the sites I use on a consistent basis.


Quizizz is great for 1st 15’s and exit tickets.  I am able to quickly assess student knowledge of a particular topic and make adjustments to instruction based on the results.


GoFormative allows students to answer a multiple-choice question and show their work.  I am able to build content using multiple answer choice options such as mix and match, multiple-select, true or false, short answer and more.  I am able to give students written feedback within their written answers.  Students can also respond.

Microsoft OneNote

Microsoft OneNote allows me to house all class materials in one place for students.  Students can take notes in their own personal space and may upload content from OneNote to assignments in Teams.