Project III: Sequential Narrative

Beginning slides when main character hears news about Haiti
When Main Character departs with her art portfolio and train ticket
Main character on flying train
When main character solves and turns the chaos into joy and friendliness with art

This project was about making art that told a story.

Sequential narratives are art that tells a story in a series of images. In my narrative, I began by brainstorming the attributes of myself and my family history. I realized the difference between what I think of myself and what my family thinks of me. I also began divergent brainstorming about my history and my family history then I realized the similarities.

Divergent Brainstorming
Brainstorming Notes

From there, I began to have an idea of how I could do my narrative by incorporating my artistic attributes with the history of my family in Haiti.

Rough Draft

In my narrative, I used the medium of ink on toned gray paper. I began by introducing the main character of a tired and bored artist. In the next box, I depicted one point perspective by her beginning to walk to her studio but as she gets closer she hears the Haitian news on her television screeching of noise and she opens her door to hear the chaos, but since she’s part Haitian she feels like its her responsibility to help resolve the problem. I used atmospheric perspective in the last page when the train lands with the trees in the distance by illustrating the trees higher on the horizon and smaller than the trees closer to the angry characters in the final illustrations.

Rough Draft