
Narrative-Fresh Start

January 17, 2023 - Uncategorized

I have a similar experience with the author of “Fresh Start”. My first week of college was the worst and I wanted to drop out already. My class started at 11:00, so I left my house around 9:30 to give me time t find parking and relax before class. I get to campus an hour before class, but everyone was trying to find parking which led to absurd traffic. As I was stuck in traffic, I was just watching time go by. I finally get to a parking deck, but the worker told me that it wasn’t the right deck, so I had to stay in traffic again. I finally park and I make my way to class. Class ended at 11:50 and I made it their around 11:30. I sat down, and I was frustrated because the professor was teaching day one and I wasn’t there to get all the information. After class ended, I went to go edit my schedule because I had classes that were missing from orientation. That week I changed my schedule about three times because I kept finding more issues. By the time the week ended, I barley ate anything, and I was stressed because I was already backed up on work.

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