Haters Gonna Hate

Depending on the image and context of that image, the meaning of memes can change. I made three different variations of haters gonna hate memes. The first one is one is light and has a picture of a cute cat taking huge steps as if the cat was strutting around. Haters gonna hate in this connotation means that the cat can do whatever he wants, walk whatever way he wants because he can. The second meme is one of Kim Jong Un. He has shades on and is smiling. This picture depicts the power he has as a dictator and that he can do whatever he wants and that he doesn’t care about outsider views. This picture can go into more political views, but that would be getting too into it. The last picture is just a funny meme. It is a fat guy who painted himself to look like the kool aid man. In this view, the point is just to be funny. He did something for the fun of it and doesn’t care what others think.

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