A Quote and Lexicon for Non-Sexist City by Hayden

“Men were to receive “family wages,” and become home “owners” responsible for regular mortgage payments, while their wives became home “managers” taking care of spouse and children.” (pg 172)

This quote stood out to me because the author feels like the man should work while the wife tend to the house. In a way, this quote represents my granddad belief.


design,families,woman,paradoxical,employed,homes,”family wage”,private/public,zoning,commodities,separation,monopoly capitalism


Quotes from Mark Purcell’s “Possible Worlds: Henri Lefebvre And The Right To The City”

“…Lefebvre argues that what is going on in the world today is that industrialization is stirring up a powerful force it cannot fully control.”

Purcell tells Lefebvre’s argument about the development of industries and how it is taking over the world.

“Lefebvre does not see the right to the city as an incremental addition to existing liberal-democratic rights. He sees it as an essential element of a wider political struggle for revolution.” (pg 142)

Purcell gives a general explanation of Lefebvre’s definition of “rights to the city”.

“Lefebvre makes a clear distinction between the city and “the urban”. The contemporary “city” is the capitalist city, which for him is not “the urban” at all, but merely an impoverished manifestation of it, an urban world reduced to its economic elements. He argues that capitalist industrialization imposes itself on the city by asserting the primacy of exchange value.” (pg 148-149)

This quote goes well with the first quote because Purcell is stating another one of Lefebvre’s argument.