Summary: Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces by Kathleen G Scholl, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi

A classroom outside

A classroom outside

In the first paragraph of “Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces”, Scholl and Gulwadi talks about the changes and challenges that are currently taking place. The author also states the first part of the thesis. It states “we propose that the natural landscape of a university campus is an attentional learning resource for its students.” The rest of the article provides claims and reasoning to support the thesis.

Throughout the article, the authors explain what is expected of a university. For example, how a campus should look. The authors talks about how the campus as a whole should be seen promoting learning. They express how a campus should be designed to reflect holistic learning. Scholl and Gulwadi highlight concepts to promote campus planning that will provide holistic learning experience. The article states “The concepts are – 1) direct and indirect attention and restoration, and 2) a holistic landscapes.”

The authors give historical context regarding to the evolution of college campuses and open spaces. The authors believe learning environments should be balanced between technology and nature.

The authors provide the concepts of attention and its impact on student learning and holistic landscape for holistic learning. In the article, it states students can have very short attention spans. It also states technology can cause students to get distracted easily. Scholl and Gulwadi believe open space with nature surrounding the campus will help students focus. It also provides a chart for reference about students interaction in different locations on campus. The authors describe the importance of open spaces.

The last few paragraphs provide the conclusion. The conclusion goes over everything that was stated in the article and draws in the main claims to support the thesis. Scholl and Gulwadi provide a list of references they used at the end of the article.

SCHOLL, Kathleen G; GULWADI, Gowri Betrabet. Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces. Journal of Learning Spaces, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, july 2015. ISSN 21586195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 oct. 2016.



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