A Quote and Lexicon for Non-Sexist City by Hayden

“Men were to receive “family wages,” and become home “owners” responsible for regular mortgage payments, while their wives became home “managers” taking care of spouse and children.” (pg 172)

This quote stood out to me because the author feels like the man should work while the wife tend to the house. In a way, this quote represents my granddad belief.


design,families,woman,paradoxical,employed,homes,”family wage”,private/public,zoning,commodities,separation,monopoly capitalism


Quotes from Mark Purcell’s “Possible Worlds: Henri Lefebvre And The Right To The City”

“…Lefebvre argues that what is going on in the world today is that industrialization is stirring up a powerful force it cannot fully control.”

Purcell tells Lefebvre’s argument about the development of industries and how it is taking over the world.

“Lefebvre does not see the right to the city as an incremental addition to existing liberal-democratic rights. He sees it as an essential element of a wider political struggle for revolution.” (pg 142)

Purcell gives a general explanation of Lefebvre’s definition of “rights to the city”.

“Lefebvre makes a clear distinction between the city and “the urban”. The contemporary “city” is the capitalist city, which for him is not “the urban” at all, but merely an impoverished manifestation of it, an urban world reduced to its economic elements. He argues that capitalist industrialization imposes itself on the city by asserting the primacy of exchange value.” (pg 148-149)

This quote goes well with the first quote because Purcell is stating another one of Lefebvre’s argument.

Annotations for Innovation Campus

A picture from the article.

A picture from the article.


“The Innovation
Campus: Building Better Ideas”

The title is the main idea of the article. She wants to create better campuses.

“They and their partners in industry are pouring millions into new buildings for business, engineering and applied learning that closely resemble the high-tech workplace, itself inspired by the minimally partitioned spaces of the garage and the factory.” They are spending a large amount of money to bring her ideas to reality.

“In many of the new buildings, an industrial look prevails, along with an end to privacy.”… “No one has a private office at the Bloomberg Center, the primary academic building, and opaque walls are few.” Privacy is the state of being free from public attention. Everyone has a right to their own privacy.

“You are more likely to find a garage door and a 3-D printer than book-lined offices and closed-off classrooms, more likely to huddle with peers at a round table than go to a lecture hall with seats for 100.” This reminds me of the curve room in Library South.

“Exposure to natural light itself contributes to improved workplace performance.” Some students rather sit in isolated places. There should be some evidence to back up this statement.

“There’s also much more to do with your hands than take notes in class: The need to move your body, by working on a prototype, taking the stairs or going in search of caffeine at a centralized cafe, is built in, providing breaks to let the mind wander.” Personally, I rather write notes. Writing notes help me more than hands on activities. I am also able to go back to the notes when needed.

“A thousand students applied for the 400 beds this fall, and 37 percent of the chosen are women. “It’s important to have a critical mass of women involved so women will come in,” he said. “Engineering is very heavily male, the business school is more male than female, but we are getting applicants from the fine arts, humanities and health sciences. Students have 35 to 40 different majors, and that happened pretty organically.”” It should be equally balanced.



Summary: Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces by Kathleen G Scholl, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi

A classroom outside

A classroom outside

In the first paragraph of “Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces”, Scholl and Gulwadi talks about the changes and challenges that are currently taking place. The author also states the first part of the thesis. It states “we propose that the natural landscape of a university campus is an attentional learning resource for its students.” The rest of the article provides claims and reasoning to support the thesis.

Throughout the article, the authors explain what is expected of a university. For example, how a campus should look. The authors talks about how the campus as a whole should be seen promoting learning. They express how a campus should be designed to reflect holistic learning. Scholl and Gulwadi highlight concepts to promote campus planning that will provide holistic learning experience. The article states “The concepts are – 1) direct and indirect attention and restoration, and 2) a holistic landscapes.”

The authors give historical context regarding to the evolution of college campuses and open spaces. The authors believe learning environments should be balanced between technology and nature.

The authors provide the concepts of attention and its impact on student learning and holistic landscape for holistic learning. In the article, it states students can have very short attention spans. It also states technology can cause students to get distracted easily. Scholl and Gulwadi believe open space with nature surrounding the campus will help students focus. It also provides a chart for reference about students interaction in different locations on campus. The authors describe the importance of open spaces.

The last few paragraphs provide the conclusion. The conclusion goes over everything that was stated in the article and draws in the main claims to support the thesis. Scholl and Gulwadi provide a list of references they used at the end of the article.

SCHOLL, Kathleen G; GULWADI, Gowri Betrabet. Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces. Journal of Learning Spaces, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, july 2015. ISSN 21586195. Available at: <http://libjournal.uncg.edu/jls/article/view/972/777>. Date accessed: 07 oct. 2016.



My Experience at Under the Couch

A poster inside Under the Couch- Pic by Akira Durden

A poster inside Under the Couch- Pic by Akira Durden

I went to Georgia Tech Friday afternoon. I arrived around 2:35 PM. I met up with my cousin, Shannor. He walked with me to the Student Center. As I was walking around the student center, I was trying to find something interesting to write about. I seen several monuments, but it didn’t interest me. Finally, I ran into a room called Under the Couch. The screen caught my attention, because I love SpongeBob. The room looked cozy and comfortable. There was a couple of Georgia Tech students hanging around. I took several pictures. As I was taking pictures, a table full of words caught my attention. I sat on the couch beside a girl name O’mina. I was reading the quotes and looking at the pictures. It was unique. I went and sat in the bean bag chair. It was very cozy. The gentlemen sitting next to me in the bean bag chairs were nice. Their names are David and Sam. We had a full conversation about my assignment and the room. Sam told me he comes to Under the Couch often. He said it’s comfortable, and he met his girlfriend here. David told me he liked the atmosphere. My cousin, Shannor, brought me a caramel salted frappe to the room. We sat on the bean bags and talked. I was at Under the Couch for over an hour. I almost forgot what I was there for. When I was about to leave, I observed that the papers on the wall described the room and the purpose of the room. It was a nice experience. I was able to meet some awesome people and catch up with my cousin.

Georgia Tech: Under the Couch

The inside of Under the Couch room. Pic by Akira Durden

The inside of Under the Couch room. Pic by Akira Durden

As I was walking around Georgia Tech’s student center, a room caught my attention. It is called “Under the Couch. Soon as I walked in, I saw blue, orange, lime green, and black bean bag chairs. Two white students were sitting in the bean bags. There is a stage with six black speakers. There is also a long wooden table with five navy blue chairs.

A poster inside Under the Couch- Pic by Akira Durden

A poster inside Under the Couch- Pic by Akira Durden


On my right, it was a big colorful sign that said “Under the Couch”. The “U” has yellow angel wings on it with a small yellow halo. It also has a red heart inside of the “U”.  It has red 1994 to infinity under the “U”. There is a long black and blue couch with green and smoky gray pillows.


The left side of the room. Pic by Akira D

The left side of the room. Pic by Akira D

On my left, it was a green and burgundy couch with green pillows. There is a girl with a pink head covering sitting on the burgundy couch. There is a wooden table made of colorful flyers, stickers, papers in front of the couches. It had a black and

A wall full of papers. Pic by Akira Durden

A wall full of papers. Pic by Akira Durden

white sticker on the table that said “Heartless Romantic”. There is a blue, green, and gray couch beside the burgundy couch. It was a girl with a black and gray plaid head covering sitting on the couch. Above her is a wall full of papers. It had different writings on the papers.


“Hands up, Don’t Shoot”

An African American Gentleman holding up a sign doing a march.

An African American Gentleman holding up a sign doing a march.


The statement on the sign highlights the argument. The picture is in black and white. There is a black male with a beard holding the sign. The sign has painted hand prints on it. The message in the photo symbolizes African American putting their hands up for justice.

