Fons Americanus by Artist Kara Walker

Kara Walker is an American contemporary artist known for her controversial and provocative works that explore issues of identity, race, sexuality, and violence. One of her more recent pieces is the Fons Americanus (Latin for American fountain) which was inspired by the Victoria Memorial in front of Buckingham Palace, London. The sculpture features a four-tier water fountain that explores themes related to the transatlantic slave trade, imperialism, and cultural history. Kara Walker describes herself as an unreliable narrator. By saying this, she acknowledges that her art is not a straightforward, objective account. She understands the complex nature of her themes (race, history, and identity) and the different perspectives that exist. 

Kara Walker | Tate Modern

Kara Walker Fons Americanus Tate Modern 2019. Photo: © Tate​ (Matt Greenwood)

Creativity and critical thinking are interconnected as they both involve exploring ideas and making connections. Combining these two skills allow individuals to approach challenges with innovative solutions, making creativity a valuable aspect of critical thinking. Both of these play a key role in art. Art has the power to capture emotions, evoke thought, and facilitate dialogue about challenging subjects like history and trauma. It provides a unique lens for people interpret and process difficult topics. Art allows individuals to confront, question, and reflect on hard things in a way that may be more accessible than traditional forms of information. In the long run, it serves as a spark for conversation and it contributes to a deeper understanding of difficult historical traumas. Similarly, art also plays a role in grappling with our humanness because it offers a mean of expression that goes far beyond words. It has the power to capture emotions and complexities that are pretty hard to express verbally.

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