Anna Delvillar


Anna Delvillar: I’m The prodigal daughter of a staunch conservative and bleeding heart liberal; born and raised in the Bible belt, but not religious. A brown eyed Cuban who grew up on flan and tostones. A sister to 2 brothers, and proud dog owner, who wanted to be a dolphin until I was 6. A…

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Editing For Publication

I wrote this brief research paper during the spring of 2015 for Dr. Elizabeth Lopez’s Editing for Publication class (Engl 3140). The parameters of this assignment were to write a paper detailing any subject related to copyediting, specifically for our fellow classmates and editing scholars. We were then instructed to edit our work using Microsoft…

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Introduction to Rhetoric and Composition (1)

I wrote this letter during the fall of 2015 for Dr. Beth Burmester’s Introduction to Rhetoric and Composition class (Engl 3050). The purpose of this letter is to persuade Oprah Winfrey to include Sojourner Truth’s oration “Ain’t I A Woman?” in her soon-to-be published anthology featuring sublime works. I chose to include this piece because…

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Composition Studies

I wrote this essay-style midterm during the fall of 2015 for Dr. Michael Harker’s Composition Studies class (Engl 3100). This midterm’s sole purpose was to demonstrate to Dr. Harker a thorough understanding of the material we were studying in class. This piece holds a special significance for me. The content we were studying sparked my…

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Introduction to Rhetoric and Composition (2)

I created this multimodal presentation during the fall of 2015 for Dr. Beth Burmester’s Introduction to Rhetoric and Composition class (Engl 3050). This presentation was used as a vehicle to explore the rhetorical appeals of introducing different types of visuals within traditional linguistic text. Being a former fine arts major, visual design is a strength…

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Business Writing

I created this business correspondence portfolio during the spring of 2016 for Dr. Joseph Kelly’s business writing class (Engl 3130). This project explores different formats for business correspondence directed at possible future employers. I chose to include this piece because I think it is a nice representation for professional prose that is useful for day-to-day…

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Multimodal Composition

I wrote this sonic rhetoric analysis during the spring of 2016 for Dr. Mary Hocks’ multimodal composition class (Engl 3115). The goal of this assignment was to analyze the rhetoric appeals of sonic elements via a podcast of our own choosing. Should you have time, I would recommend listening to the podcast in its entirety…

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Digital Writing and Publishing

I created this infographic and wrote the accompanying reflection during the spring of 2016 for Dr. Ashley Holmes’ digital writing and publication class (Engl 3120). The goal of this assignment was to create an infographic relating in some way to social media. Our objective was to convey an argument using this infographic and relying more…

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Senior Seminar

I wrote this proposal during the spring of 2016 for Dr. Robin Wharton’s Senior Seminar class (Engl 4203). The purpose of this proposal is to outline in detail, my intentions for the senior digital capstone project. I chose to include this piece because I believe it was successful in its objective, and it provides context…

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