Question 1: What is the hardest part about being someone who works in the film industry during a pandemic?
Question 2: When was the last time you worked on a production?
Question 3: How did you go about finding contract work on a production?
Question 4: Did this solution work?
Question 5: Would you do it again in regards to finding work?
The interview was conducted on Monday, March 1st, 2021. The interview was conducted with an individual who currently works in the industry, a person who I have worked on set with before. I am keeping their name private for now.
Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses
- Lack of confidence in how they will find work,
- Desperation
- Scared they will become homeless
- Always on time to work, never misses a day on production.
- Always takes any film crew position given to them
- Will try to find work or money no matter what
Current Solutions
- Uses their own personal network of industry professionals to acquire gigs through word of mouth
- Uses Facebook groups on Atlanta Film Production, and has an uncle who works in the industry who they can use.
- Currently is on unemployment PUA for an extra set of income when not working, however, this method will not be permanent.
Deficiencies of Current Solutions
- Using the first two above methods can only go so far
- This will not always guarantee employment by using your personal contacts who cannot always guarantee you a gig.
- Relying on others is not always the best tactic
Typical source of advice/ knowledge
- Industry Friends
- Working Professionals
Other Information
- Needs a solution where they can look for all work in one place instead of being in the inner circle. Has relied to heavily on others to find work and can no longer do that. Needs to find a different solution where they can take control of their lives.