Equity Audit Data

As a small, private school, Intown has less date reported and concisely compiled as the public school system records. The data gathered in the following charts reflect what the school does keep track of. This data does not include free and reduced lunch because this is not an offered program at the school nor does it show socioeconomic status of the families in the school. Overall, based on the tuition of the school, families hold a middle to high socioeconomic status. This also accounts for the reality that the school does not need to provide lunch or breakfast for its students. 

A few general demographics of the school include: 

  • K-8th grade 
  • 33 faculty and staff
  • $8.100-$11,800 a year in tuition based on grade.
  • 217 enrolled students for the 2021-2022 school year.

Racial Demographics:

Race Demographics

Gender Demographics

financial aid