3. ENG3130 Web Analysis

This was one of the first assignments in Benjamin Kolenda’s Business Writing course: a course that was required after switching to Rhetoric and Composition. We were assigned to pick a website of our choosing to analyze and critique a website. We were to look at the design, marketing, and ease of the website for the user. I knew I was good at analyzing, but I also knew that I was not a tech buff in the slightest, so I was a bit nervous to analyze something that at first glance seemed perfect to me. I looked at the website multiple times and visited it on many occasions to make sure I covered every nook and cranny. I feel I analyzed it efficiently and thoroughly. This assignment introduced me to the topic of web design. Web design and analysis also ties into where I want to go in my career as a marketing director, or assistant. If a company does not have an effective website, people will not buy their product. Before this assignment I had no clue where to begin when critiquing a website.