
Austin Callaway

202 Wynnfield Way, McDonough GA • (770) 361 6052•

Laboratory intern

Effectively manage a bioassay lab

Results-oriented, high-energy, hands-on profession creating and testing bioassay laboratories  

Key skills include:

·  Micro pipetting

·  Communicates well with others

·  Experience with protein assay

·  Problem solving skills

·  Time management skills

·  Experience with titrations


  • Affairs to Remember – March 2017- June 2017, lead crew member responsible for events such has weddings, corporate events, and major milestones such as promotions or retirement


  • Family owned business, provided maintenance services for the properties, delivery and installation of appliance, painting, landscaping, and light grading to maintain property appearance


Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA

Biomedical Science and Enterprise 

Expected Graduation Fall 2021

Union Grove High School

Graduated 2017