blog post 1

  Yesterday’s workout was one of the hardest workouts that I’ve had in a really long time. Before quarantine I was starting to make some really good gains, but unfortunately all of that was put aside for a few months. I’m just starting to get back to where I was before. Yesterday I pushed myself through probably my hardest workout of the year. I started by warming up with some light Romanian deadlifts before I decided to go to the power rack. Where I finally started to use the power-rack I figured I would squat since it was leg day for me. I had a number in my head to hit as a single, which was 435 pounds. I worked up to 405 and wasn’t sure if I could get 435 so I asked for someone to spot me while I decided that I was going to pretty much either going to die or going to succeed. It turns out that I got that squat a lot easier than I thought I would. After squats I did a few accessory workouts, which are movement you do after your primary lift such as the squat, deadlift, or bench press. I started on the hack squat machine but did it in reverse to mimic a good morning a really pump my hamstring with blood. Next I moved on to leg pressing for my quads. After that I proceeded to do Romanian dead lifts. I started with eighty’s in each hand for fifteen and decided that wasn’t heavy enough. I decided to pick up the one hundred five-pound dumbbells, which can be seen in the picture below. Those were an extreme hard challenge, but I ended up getting twelve reps with them. After this I went and did leg extension; the last exercise I was going to do for the day. Overall it was the best workout that I’ve had in a really long time even though I’ll be sore for the next few days.