blog #4

Blog #4

In today’s post we’re going to be looking at why you should bench press. I’d like to talk about 2 main reasons that you should perform this compound lift and why it’s a staple in most peoples workout routine. 

The first reason that you should perform the bench press is that it is a compound movement, which means that it uses a variety of muscle to perform the exercise. For this reason it is one of the best muscle building exercises for you upper body. It is a full body exercise that will promote growth mainly in your pectorals, delta, and triceps. Since it is one of the best muscle building exercises it can promote support fo the skeletal system creating less likelihood for injury if done properly. 

You may not know but the more muscle that a person has the more efficient their body is at burning fat off. Since the bench press is one of the best muscle building exercises it will also in turn help you burn more fat off than some other exercises. Bench pressing will also help you develop more healthy bones since there is a resistance on your skeletal structure which I believe you be a great key to staying healthy when you are older. 

The bench press is one of the best exercises that you can do to maintain a health lifestyle and also help you from gaining excess weight. It also promotes a large amount of muscle growth and healthy bones. Overall if you work out you really should give this exercises a try because of all the health benefits that come along with it if done properly.