blog #1
Yesterday’s workout was one of the hardest workouts that I’ve had in a really long time. Before quarantine I was starting to make some really good gains, but unfortunately all of that was put aside for a few months. I’m just starting to get back to where I was before. Yesterday I pushed myself through probably my hardest workout of the year. I started by warming up with some light Romanian deadlifts before I decided to go to the power rack. When I finally started to use the power-rack I figured I would squat since it was leg day for me. I had a number in my head to hit as a single, which was 435 pounds. I worked up to 405 and wasn’t sure if I could get 435 so I asked for someone to spot me while I decided that I was going to pretty much either going to die or going to succeed. It turns out that I got that squat a lot easier than I thought I would. After squats I did a few accessory workouts, which are movement you do after your primary lift such as the squat, deadlift, or bench press. I started on the hack squat machine but did it in reverse to mimic a good morning a really pump my hamstring with blood. Next I moved on to leg pressing for my quads. After that I proceeded to do Romanian dead lifts. I started with eighty’s in each hand for fifteen and decided that wasn’t heavy enough. I decided to pick up the one hundred five-pound dumbbells, which can be seen in the picture below. Those were an extreme hard challenge, but I ended up getting twelve reps with them. After this I went and did leg extension; the last exercise I was going to do for the day. Overall it was the best workout that I’ve had in a really long time even though I’ll be sore for the next few days.
Blog #2
In today’s blog we will be looking at how exercise physiology can help with one’s back problems. Back injuries are one of the most pain and longest lasting injuries that can occur. For these reasons I think it’s super important to stay active and healthy.
Nearly 80% of all people experience back pain in their lives. For this reason, I am looking directly at being an exercise physiologist. I will look at ways to develop programs that will help patients recover from any injuries that have occurred and hopefully keep them healthy over the long period.
Proper exercise and nutrition are some of the best ways to stay healthy and injury free. Food especially can keep weight off of you and directly reduces the amount of pressure on all of your joints that you have. Exercise and build muscle or help you lose wight, which will both help your joints and bones stay strong.
In the image below you can see that a deadlift is being done. The reason that I chose to show a deadlift is that it is considered the king of all gym exercises. The reasons for it being called the king of all exercises is that it uses almost every muscle in your body to some degree at the same exact time. No matter if you are trying to improve your cardiovascular system and endurance or just trying to lift as much weight as possible both will directly correlate to muscle growth is done to a point where you have to push yourself hard.
Overall, I think that the deadlift is one of the most important exercises that everyone should do with proper form for health. It can help reduce the risk of back injuries because it will strengthen your entire posterior chain. (muscles on the posterior of the body consisting of hamstrings, glutes, spinal erectors, traps, deltoids, rhomboids, etc.) Exercise physiology could help me help others prevent themselves from getting injured and also help them stay healthy for a long period of time.
Blog #3
What do you think about when you hear cardio?
In today’s blog we will be looking at one of the most important exercises that everyone can do, which is cardio. Cardio is one of the important exercises that you can do to improve your health. You can do steady state cardio, which is when you would go slow but for a long period fo time or you can do all out sprints. Either one offers health benefits to anyone that does them.
There are a few reasons why doing cardio is one of the most important things that you can do for your health. One of them is that doing cardio helps build up your cardiovascular health. The American heart Association says that most Americans are at risk of gettin heart disease and doing cardio would be a great way to help prevent getting it as quick or getting it at all. Another reason to do cardio is to help regulate your weight. For people who want to lose a few pounds but don’t want to cut any calories they can go into a sleight deficit by doing cardio.
In all cardio is one of the most important and underutilized exercises in the gym and it’s also one of the most important exercises that you can do to keep yourself and your heart healthy.
Blog #4
In today’s post we’re going to be looking at why you should bench press. I’d like to talk about 2 main reasons that you should perform this compound lift and why it’s a staple in most peoples workout routine.
The first reason that you should perform the bench press is that it is a compound movement, which means that it uses a variety of muscle to perform the exercise. For this reason it is one of the best muscle building exercises for you upper body. It is a full body exercise that will promote growth mainly in your pectorals, delta, and triceps. Since it is one of the best muscle building exercises it can promote support fo the skeletal system creating less likelihood for injury if done properly.
You may not know but the more muscle that a person has the more efficient their body is at burning fat off. Since the bench press is one of the best muscle building exercises it will also in turn help you burn more fat off than some other exercises. Bench pressing will also help you develop more healthy bones since there is a resistance on your skeletal structure which I believe you be a great key to staying healthy when you are older.
The bench press is one of the best exercises that you can do to maintain a health lifestyle and also help you from gaining excess weight. It also promotes a large amount of muscle growth and healthy bones. Overall if you work out you really should give this exercises a try because of all the health benefits that come along with it if done properly.