“What Would a Non-Sexist City Be Like? Speculations on Housing, Urban Design, and Human Work”-Hayden : Citations

“Dwellings, neighborhoods, and cities designed for homebound women constrain women physically, socially, and economically. (page. 2, Hayden)”

It is no secret that there are restrictions in place for women. As we have been studying in the class, the design of architecture makes people behave in a certain way; the design of dwellings, neighborhoods, and cities as stated in the quote above, restrict women from things socially, physically, and economically. Many of these restrictions are seen in our everyday lives. Some of us even know of someone who could possibly be going through these restrictions and that is why we might understand the idea that Hayden is trying to explain in this article.


“Employed mothers usually are expected to, and almost invariably do, spend more time in private housework and child care than employed men; often they are expected to, and usually do, spend more time on commuting per mile traveled than men, because of their reliance on public transportation. (page. 6, Hayden)”

Employed mothers have more responsibilities than employed men. Yes, the men are many times fathers, but the mother is the person that children look for the most. Mothers have a special connection with their children and that’s why they are always there for their children cleaning up, cooking food, and other home labor activities. Because these mothers have such much on their plate, they don’t get the same opportunity to private transportation as men do and are forced to use public transportation.

“While some communal groups, especially religious ones, have often demanded acceptance of a traditional sexual division of labor, others have attempted to make nurturing activities a responsibility of both women and men. (page. 11, Hayden)”

Religion will always play a role in our society’s decisions whether we like it or not. Mostly everyone is part of a religion and their beliefs play a big role in their decisions. Personally, I don’t see anything bad with wanting to integrate labor forces. Both male and female can accomplish great things together. However, there are certain things that man can’t do and there are certain things that women can’t do.

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