Schindler’s “Architectural Exclusion: Discrimination and Segregation Through Physical Design of the Built Environment” Part 1B Summary

As citizens of this world, we tend to just go with the flow of things and we do not take time to examine why things are the way that they are in our society. Segregation has always been present in human history, it just changed over time. “[S]egregation, integration, and separation are spatial processes; . . . ghettos and exclusionary suburbs are spatial entities; . . . access, exclusion, confinement . . . are spatial experiences.”-58 These are only a few examples that Schindler give us in her article “Architectural Exclusion: Discrimination and Segregation Through Physical Design of the Built Environment”.

“landscape is one of the most overlooked instruments of modern race-making.”-67 As young adults, we are constantly learning about society. We learn why the government works the way the it does, why people act the way that they act. However, we never paid attention to the landscape that surround us. Communities such as ghettos were created to keep people of color and white people separate. This was done intentionally and it counties to be done intentionally today. The people in power know that the outcome of building landscapes like this and they do nothing to try to change it.  The idea that the building that we are in or the neighborhood that we live in were designed with specific people struck many of us in the face while reading this piece.

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