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Unit 2 Summary

After reading and analyzing the text it gave me a different perspective of a College Campus and its impact on colleges and the way kids learn. This article brings attention to different ways of learning and how using the environment… Continue Reading →

Morehouse College Objective Environment

      Morehouse College is located in Atlanta just on the western side of the Georgia Dome and Georgia World Congress Center. The campus is located near two other Historically Black Universities in the Atlanta University center, which are Clark Atlanta… Continue Reading →

Underground Atlanta Observation

Underground Atlanta is a very historical landmark in the downtown Atlanta community. Everyday on my way to and from my classes at Georgia State I walk through Underground Atlanta. The underground was first opened in 1969 and was originally exactly… Continue Reading →

Underground Atlanta

Upon sitting at the Underground Atlanta for hours this past weekend I got a new feel for an understanding to the place we call Underground Atlanta. I am born and raised in Atlanta Georgia and have been to underground countless… Continue Reading →

Class Notes 9/23

#S&G and Artifacts Scavenger Hunt Find Thesis- “Therefore, we propose that the natural landscape of a university campus is an intentional learning resource for its students.)”. Find Two reasons- 1. The articles main focus throughout the reading is the importance and… Continue Reading →

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