Built Enviornment Analysis OUTLINE


Built Environment Analysis Outline:

Georgia State University: Promoting Better Learning Environments through Diversity


Eye Catching Intro Statement Here:

  • How do you define diversity? (Or ask “When you hear the word “diversity”, what comes to mind?”) Scholarly dictionaries define diversity as “the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc.” (Merriam Webster). Textbooks define the term diversity as “the state of having people who are different races or who have different cultures in a group or organization”. I define diversity as Georgia State University. When discussing diversity at this specific University, you are forced to examine the architecture, people/ race, organizations, and the learning concepts. Georgia State University’s campus life is diverse through and through. This nontraditional, urban campus is full of complex and varying structures, buildings, and other architecture located in different locations throughout Downtown Atlanta. The student body is very integrated and reflects a melting pot. Meaning people from every race, walks of life, etc… are there.
  • Melting Pot. (Tossed salad) These are two words that accurately describe the atmosphere on Georgia State University’s campus. The University’s campus promotes better learning environments through diversity.


Thesis Statement: An analysis of the diverse learning environment of Georgia State University reveals positive effects on the overall well-being of students academically, physically, and emotionally: better learning environments are promoted through diversity.


Body 1:

  • Focus on the diverse architecture of Georgia State University.
  • Including images of buildings such as Aderhold, School of Business, Petit Science Center, Urban life, etc..
  • Also include their addresses and map view of their locations to show how sprawled out and diverse these locations are in themselves

Body 2:

  • Focus on the diversity of people and race at Georgia State University
  • Demographics
  • Images of actual students (with approval)

Body 3:

  • The organizations on campus are a reflection of the diverse student body
  • Lists and visual representations of these organizations

Body 4:

  • The unique and diverse learning concepts and teaching styles at the University
  • Examples of them

Body 5:

  • Personal account and experience with the diversity of GSU and how it has influenced my learning outcome


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