Week 13

For this week I believe I was able to fix everything. I do want to edit a few things to make it more personable and a little bit more pleasing to the eyes. I might change the theme to a different color like a light pink or blue. 

Week 13

This week on my portfolio I continues making adjustments towards my resume.html. I am still having difficulties with making the link work but I am positive that with the right adjustments it can finally function well.  

Week 12

I recently started a garden with my mom, and it has been such a rewarding experience. We’ve spent countless hours together, digging, planting, and nurturing our plants. It’s been amazing to see the seeds we planted grow into beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables. We’ve learned so much about gardening, and it’s been a great bonding experience for us. In addition to our gardening adventures, I also had the opportunity to take a cooking class in Atlanta with a friend. It was such a fun and educational experience, learning new recipes and techniques. Overall, these experiences have enriched my life and created lasting memories.

Week 11

This week was pretty uneventful for me, but I did get to spend some quality time hanging out with friends. We caught up over coffee (Dunkin Donuts because its my favorite), went for a walk in the park, and even had a movie night. It was nice to relax and enjoy each other’s company. we don’t get to see each other a lot because of school and our busy schedule. Overall, despite the lack of excitement, it was a fulfilling week filled with laughter and good conversation.

Week 4

For this week’s assignment I utilized ChatGPT to help me structure a perfect portfolio. To get started I simply asked AI a few question:  “What does a good entry level portfolio look like d’or a beginners social media marketer look like?”

And this is what it responded with:

Certainly, a beginner’s social media marketing portfolio could include:

1. **Profile Introduction:**
– Briefly introduce yourself, including your passion for social media marketing and any relevant education or certifications.

2. **Content Creation:**
– Showcase examples of posts or content you’ve created for various platforms. Include captions, visuals, and any relevant hashtags.

3. **Platform Management:**
– Outline your experience with managing social media platforms. Include details about the number of platforms you’ve handled, frequency of posts, and any unique strategies you implemented.

4. **Campaign Examples:**
– Feature a couple of social media campaigns you’ve worked on. Include details on the goals, target audience, and the results achieved. If possible, show engagement metrics and any positive outcomes.

5. **Analytics and Results:**
– Highlight your ability to analyze data. Include insights from analytics tools, showcasing your understanding of key performance indicators (KPIs) and how you’ve improved results over time.

6. **Tools and Technologies:**
– Mention any tools or technologies you’re proficient in, such as scheduling tools, analytics platforms, or graphic design software.

7. **Continuous Learning:**
– If you’ve taken any courses or attended workshops related to social media marketing, mention them. This indicates your commitment to staying updated in the field.

8. **Testimonials or References:**
– If you’ve received positive feedback from clients or colleagues, consider including brief testimonials or references.

Remember, the key is to provide a clear and concise overview of your skills and achievements in social media marketing. Use visuals, data, and real examples to make your portfolio stand out.

i was once again shocked at how simple yet clear and concise the response was. It was extremely detailed and gave me a lot to work with. For my second question somewhat similar to my first question. I asked : “What are the top three things I should have in my portfolio, that will help me get a good marketing job?”

This is its response: 

1. **Demonstrable Results:**
– Showcase concrete examples of your impact. Include campaigns or projects where you can highlight measurable results, such as increased engagement, growth in followers, or improved conversion rates. Quantifiable achievements help employers see the tangible value you can bring to their team.

2. **Versatile Skill Set:**
– Display a range of skills relevant to modern marketing. This could include content creation, social media management, data analytics, and familiarity with various marketing tools and platforms. Illustrating versatility demonstrates your ability to handle diverse tasks in a dynamic marketing environment.

3. **Strong Storytelling:**
– Craft a compelling narrative about your journey and experiences in the field. Clearly articulate your passion for marketing, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability. A well-told story not only engages employers but also helps them understand how your unique background and skills align with their needs.

Remember to tailor your portfolio to the specific job you’re applying for, emphasizing aspects that align with the requirements of the position.

This was a very general response but nonetheless a very useful one. These are some of the things I need to do and accomplish. As per my last post I already feel like I have a lot of these attributes that can help me find a good job. I do have some social anxiety’s that I need to work on and that I’m still currently working on. But with the AI I’m able to specifically see what is needed and what I can improve on. There’s always room for more knowledge and improvement on my end and Ai has given me a lot of useful information that I can use to better my skills.

Week 3

I am not familiar with using AI, however while researching the topic I dabbled with using ChatGPT, Bing and Claude. While using the prompt given i found the ChatGPT was easier to handle. Here is what I created: I am about to graduate from college with a degree in media entrepreneurship. I want to find an entry level position as a social media marketer or a social media manager in the marketing or business industry, but more likely into marketing. What skills do I need to demonstrate? What kinds of artifacts should I have to show I have those skills? What are some resources that I should pursue to help me learn about what I need to do to find my first industry marketing job? What type of coding skills do I need for these types of jobs. Are any types of certificate needed. How do I build my portfolio when entering this field?

Here is what AI replied:

Pursuing a career in social media marketing or management is an exciting choice. To increase your chances of landing an entry-level position, consider the following skills, artifacts, resources, and strategies:

Skills to Demonstrate:

  1. Social Media Platform Proficiency:
    • Showcase your proficiency in major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others.
    • Familiarity with platform-specific analytics and insights is crucial.
  2. Content Creation:
    • Demonstrate your ability to create engaging and visually appealing content.
    • Familiarity with graphic design tools like Canva or Adobe Creative Suite can be beneficial.
  3. Data Analysis:
    • Understand and interpret social media metrics to optimize strategies.
    • Highlight any experience with analytics tools like Google Analytics or social media analytics dashboards.
  4. Writing and Communication:
    • Strong written communication skills are vital for crafting compelling captions and engaging with the audience.
  5. Marketing Fundamentals:
    • Understand basic marketing principles and how they apply to social media.
    • Knowledge of target audience identification, branding, and campaign management.
  6. Ad Campaign Management:
    • Familiarity with social media advertising platforms (e.g., Facebook Ads Manager) and creating targeted campaigns.
  7. SEO Basics:
    • Understand the basics of search engine optimization (SEO) to optimize social media content for search.

Artifacts for Your Portfolio:

  1. Content Samples:
    • Showcase samples of content you’ve created, such as posts, graphics, and multimedia content.
  2. Analytics Reports:
    • Include examples of analytics reports that demonstrate your ability to track and analyze social media performance.
  3. Campaign Case Studies:
    • Detail any successful social media campaigns you’ve worked on, including goals, strategies, and results.
  4. Writing Samples:
    • Provide examples of well-crafted captions, blog posts, or articles related to social media.

Resources for Learning:

  1. Online Courses and Certifications:
    • Platforms like HubSpot Academy, Google Digital Garage, and LinkedIn Learning offer courses in social media marketing.
  2. Industry Blogs and Publications:
    • Stay updated with industry trends by following blogs like Social Media Today, Buffer, and Hootsuite.
  3. Networking:
    • Attend industry events, join relevant social media groups, and connect with professionals on platforms like LinkedIn.
  4. Mentorship:
    • Seek mentorship from experienced professionals in the field for guidance and advice.

Coding Skills:

While coding skills are not typically required for entry-level social media positions, having a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be beneficial, especially if you are involved in web content management or need to customize social media posts.


While not mandatory, certifications from platforms like Facebook Blueprint, Google Ads, or Hootsuite can add credibility to your profile.

Building Your Portfolio:

  1. Personal Branding:
    • Develop a consistent personal brand across your social media profiles.
    • Ensure your profiles reflect your skills and interests.
  2. Online Portfolio:
    • Create a personal website showcasing your portfolio, resume, and any additional relevant information.
    • Include links to your social media accounts and any projects you’ve worked on.
  3. Internships and Freelance Work:
    • Gain practical experience through internships or freelance projects, and document your contributions in your portfolio.
  4. LinkedIn Profile:
    • Optimize your LinkedIn profile with a professional photo, detailed work experience, and recommendations.
  5. Continuous Learning:
    • Regularly update your portfolio with new projects, skills, and achievements.  

Even before week one I had already researched this job field. I tried to have all the requirements needed for this kind of job.  However there’s a few things that I need to fix and still learn. I do have a LinkedIn profile but it still needs major work and updates. I also need to update my portfolio and as well as try and obtain internships. I already have basic level coding skills but there’s always more room for improvement. It’s somewhat overwhelming but I feel like if I continue to focus on improving myself and my skills then pretty soon I will be able to find a manageable career.

Week 2

For this weeks assignment I used several job sites such as Indeed, Glassdoor and Monster to help search for entry level jobs. I mainly used Indeed because I am more familiar with their platform and it was the easiest for me to utilize. Since my main goal is to hopefully start my own business, i know this will not happen instantly, so I looked up social media marketing jobs. The main key words I used were “social media” or “social media marketing”. The area I mainly looked for were within a 25 to 50 mile radius from my location. I found that most of these jobs were in person but many were remote, so I changed my settings to remote locations. This opened more job opportunities to not only those is Georgia but across the United States.

After looking at several bob postings, many of the qualifications seemed the same. The main jobs I was able to find were Social Media Coordinators and Social Media Managers. Like most jobs they all needed you to have a Bachelors or Associate degree in either marketing or have several years of experience with social media. They also want their candidate to have exceptional leadership skills and good organizational, communication and good time-management skills.

Here are some examples of some abilities and documents I need to qualify for these jobs:

  1. 2-3 years of social media marketing
  2. Trained in using Google Suites
  3. Bachelors degree
  4. Able to use key metrics and KPI’s 

I feel like I have a good list of these qualities. I am already close to finishing school in just a few semesters and from here until now I can get all the certifications I need such as getting certified in Google Suites and being able to understand KPIs.

This assignment really let me understand that i still have to get a few more things in order for me to be ready for the work industry. I still need that experience that many employers look for. and if I am not able to get the experience I would at least need to be certified so that they know that I am able to do the job right and efficient. I am feeling positive that I can achieve this before graduation and I am hopeful these steps will help me achieve my goals

Week 1

Post graduation life is something that has been pondering my mind since the semester has started. I have only two more semesters until reality starts kicking in and I am officially apart of the real world. As stressful as it may seem I feel like I know what I want to do post graduation. I have always been a workout fanatic and and very keen to small details. Many people have told me that I am a hard worker and with my work ethics I should start my own company. I want to start selling e-books with workout routines and meal plans. If that is a success I can start spreading my business and sell workout gear and clothing. However this is easier said than done. Despite working hard, owning a business is more than just that. I have to have the right following, investors and have to connect with my audience. I am currently in the Robinson college of Business and trying to gain a social media presence so I can hopefully start gaining a social media presence. I still have a long ways to go but I know with hard work and dedication I can get there. 

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