To study the world of many religions, you get to explore religious ideas and perspectives of many cultures. Having cultural awareness can give others the ability to appreciate diversity, reduce cultural barriers, and increase intercultural communication. As a whole, we can discover the ethical framework and fundamentals that the world of religions holds.
What is Religion?
Religion can be distinguished in three ways, substantial, functional, and family resemblance.
The Substantial definition
Substantial definitions refer to the belief in a supernatural force or higher being. The definition tries to depict the essential qualities of what is true and what is not true. For instance, Sir Edward Tylor argued that “a minimum definition of Religion [is] the belief in spiritual beings” (Tylor, 1871, cited in Stark, 1999), or as Sir James Frazer elaborated, “religion consists of two elements… a belief in powers higher than man and an attempt to propitiate or appease them” (Frazer, 1922, cited in Stark, ibid.). Substantialism draws a clear line between religious and non-religious beliefs. You can see this in a familiar religion called Christianity, the system believes in no other being but God himself.
The Functional definition
Functional definitions refer to the tribulations or functions of religion in the general public. The functional definition can consist of reinforcing social unity and controlling social behavior. In Milton Yinger’s definition, religion can be used as a stabilizing force in life that can end problems. Expressed by Mark Taylor, “religion is “an emergent, complex, adaptive network of symbols, myths, and rituals that, on the one hand, figure schemata of feeling, thinking, and acting in ways that lend life meaning and purpose and, on the other, disrupt, dislocate, and disfigure every stabilizing structure (2007).” It can create guidelines on ways to live your life. An example could be in the recovery of addictions, those who are struggling with addiction may use their sense of faith to help lead them into better paths in their lives after taking treatment or to prevent them from abusing substances again.
The Family Resemblance definition
The family resemblance definition means concepts that share one similar feature that may overlap with many other similar attributes. According to Ludwig Wittgenstein, he stated “the idea is that a family – even a real family – will hold a number of, say, physiological traits in common, which can be used to distinguish them from other families, even though each family member is unique and any particular family member might not have all of them. You can still tell that the member belongs to the family and not to another because of the traits he or she shares (1958).” An exemplification would be the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. While these religions do diverge, they run on a few of the same morals or beliefs. Such as being monotheistic, vision of human nature and recognition of a holy book.
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I understand what the book stated the definition is, but what is your interpretation of what religion means?? Which one is your favorite?? I think I like the Family resemblance better. The reason is that I am all about family and family drives me and everything I do is centered around families and our family culture.