The most recent debate and persuasive argumentative conversation that I have had was with my friend Naomi, regarding whether or not a rapture is going to happen in the Christian Religion.
This experience went well but definitely unfinished. I showed my friend real Biblical context and evidence that would disprove one of their fundamental verses proving that a rapture is bound to happen and even showed her the original Greek literature, but she proceeded to be put off by it and not respond further.
She was eventually put off by my commentary and evidence and proceeded to not continue the argument. She had no visual signs of anger or frustration which is a win in my book.
I can draw a successful experience from this incident because I showed her my evidence onto why I believe what I believed and had no emotional quarrel with her whether she agreed or disagreed. I will always be ready to face questioning while in a debate.
Arguments can generally be divided into four major key components, such as claim, reason, support, and warrant.