Organizational Elements Model

Dr. Roger Kaufman developed the Organizational Elements Model based on the idea that Performance gaps are the difference between “What Should Be?”, and “What Is?”. His approach differentiates a company’s means and ends. According to Kauffman, means are what a company uses and does,  and ends are what a company produces.

There are five levels in OEM:

  1. Inputs. Human labor, equipment, budgets, etc…
  2. Processes. What you do to produce the product.
  3. Products. What workgroups complete.
  4. Outputs. What the company completes as a whole).  
  5. Outcomes. The product’s effects on the customer and society

The model, like any other effective HPT model, is simple and systematic in its approach and outlines the procedure in a format that is both easy to follow and implement.

Resources: Handbook of Improving Performance in the Workplace. Pfeiffer, 2010.

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