“‘I am at a crucial point”, says Simon. He does not wish to appear rude, but he does not want this man interfering. Grace is his territory; he must repel poachers. ‘It might upset her, and undo weeks of careful preparations.'” (301)
This quote happens as Simon is talking to Dr. Dupont, who wants to hypnotize Grace for research purposes. It demonstrates how Simon has become attached to Grace, and now views her as his own. He is very possessive and does not want her being studying by others, because she is his. He sees her as both a discovery and a person. He has grown attached to her story and persona, but also he still wants to be the one to take credit for any discovery that comes out of her about the murder or why she did it. It shows how controversial and complicated their relationship is becoming as Simon gets more and more involved and Grace caters to his ideas and plays her part.