Demon Lover

I loved the first section, “Demon Lover”. I thought it was beautifully written and I could really resonate with Kathleen and the emotions she experienced when an ex lover reached out to her. The sentence on page 91, “Dead air came out to meet her as she went in”, foreshadowed something ghostly was about to happen which piqued my interest even more. There is a part where she looks in the mirror, and she describes what she looks like and what she is wearing. I believe she did this to make sure she is still alive, but I also think it was to reflect back at her who she had become. One experience like that can take you back to the point where you’re not completely sure of who you are anymore, especially when it’s supernatural. I hated the ending! I thought the rest of the story was missing, but I guess it’s left ambiguous so the the reader can create their own ending. I feel like there was enough detail to figure out what was going on, but so much still left out for you to say, “what just happened” ?! 

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