The “Temple” chapter within A Passage to India, introduces a new beginning to erase the turmoil from the “Cave” chapter. The temple section aims to bring forward the importance of the Hindu principle of unity. The majority of this chapter is an entire reference to the Indian culture. Within the chapter Professor Godbole is at the Gokul Ashtami festival, who is portrayed mostly as a mysterious figure who has more concerns with nature and spirituality than worldly matters. Throughout the section there is a continuous reference to imitating God and the presence of the wasp throughout the novel. This links to the worship of Nature and Earth within Hinduism, which has a viewpoint of living in harmony with nature and to not exploit it. However, chaos returns later on throughout the chapter when Aziz and Ralph are in unfamiliar territory with the storm that takes place and the Hindu ceremony. Ralph shows control over his unfamiliarity by showing his connection to Hinduism. The boat crash that takes place and all of what was left behind from the storm creates another climax of chaos; everything within the novel begins to take an apparent turn. Within the event of the boat collision, Stella reaches out to Aziz rather than turning to her husband and the questionable reconciliation of Aziz and Fielding creates a disorder within the narrative of the novel.