Brevard College: Website Analysis

Madison Przybylski 

Dr. Weaver 

Engl 1102 Section 322 

13 April 2022 

Major Project 3 


“Experience your education” is how Brevard College states its goal as an institution. From the moment you enter the website, it is evident that community involvement is an important part of how the college conducts itself because pictures of its students and faculty are prominent throughout the page. An ideal prospect for Brevard College would be someone who prides themselves on community and impact. Students who thrive in smaller environments with substantial amounts of support would flourish in this institution, especially since opportunities for growth in a wide variety of fields are plentiful.   


The author of the website uses phrases, such as, “experience the difference,” and “the mountains are your classroom” to illustrate the dynamics of the college. Upon entering the “Life at Brevard” tab, statistics about the university’s student population are presented inside a large, blue box, which is certainly eye-catching. From the 30 states, 10 countries, and 80 percent of students living on campus, Brevard College is “a place where academics, athletics, mountains, music, art, and small-town living combine to create an ideal environment for learning, experience, and growth.” To further illustrate this, the author continues to state that the town of Brevard has been nationally recognized as the “best place to live,” as well as the “coolest small town.” Experiential Education and Learning serve as Brevard’s mission, displayed by the heading under the “About Brevard” section which states: “Learn to serve.”   

Imaging Ideal Readers is a rhetorical strategy that presents itself as an understatement of the larger picture, in a humble manner. The author of the webpage appeals to both Purpose and Imaging Ideal Readers rhetoric by illustrating the importance of its students and their academic experiences while leaving a comfortable boundary to allow prospects to discover their paths. Brevard acknowledges everyone while collectively putting forth the effort to build a bond between its students and faculty. On their school’s homepage, sight words and phrases like “Brevard could be the perfect fit for you!” and “100% faculty is dedicated to teaching” exhibit awareness about what audiences they are trying to reach. As mentioned by Elizabeth Losh and Jonathan Alexander in Understanding Rhetoric, “A good way to read something critically is to think about ideal readers… those most likely to be “persuaded or affected” by an author’s work” (Losh & Alexander 97). Given this information, a convoluted narrative is the opposite of what Brevard College is searching to embed in its website instead, it is using verbiage to create an instructive atmosphere that prospective students, faculty, parents, and everyone in between will comprehend.    


If boundaries were not an issue, I would attend Brevard College. After perusing through their website, I took it upon myself to look up pictures of the city of Brevard. The city and its surrounding areas are mountainous and have a heavily influenced natural culture. To name a few reasons, I would enroll at Brevard College because of its small/intimate atmosphere, the beautiful scenery, and the abundant student life without a heavy sports culture. The thing that really caught my attention about this school and its location was the idea of leaving and regressing back to an environment not engulfed by consumerism and large eyesore buildings. I am undoubtedly a city person, however, if location, finances, and other materialistic boundaries were not in the way, I think I would find a spot on their campus just fine.  



Works Cited 



“Brevard College: Your Academic Adventure Awaits!” Brevard College, 12 Apr. 2022, 


Explore Brevard. “Brevard | North Carolina’s Land of Waterfalls | Official Tourism Site.” Explore Brevard, 6 Apr. 2022, 


Losh, Elizabeth, et al. Understanding Rhetoric: A Graphic Guide to Writing. 3rd ed., Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2020. 

Finals Hack

Group 3

Meklit Abera

Colin Wright

Keith Slettedahl

Students feel immense pressure as the semester draws to a close and finals approach. My classmates and I reviewed the many methods we employed to focus on our exams during the previous semester. We all agreed that while studying, we should focus on one subject at a time and not move from one subject to another since our brains might become jumbled if we attempt to comprehend all of our subjects at once. It is easier to start early so that you have more time to finish studying and revising, therefore aim to finish one topic first before moving on to the next. Start with the one that most challenges you, then go on to the next, and don’t forget to give your brain a break.

So one way to do this is to physically separate your subjects into different sections, and if you’re studying outside, bring your specific subject with you so you don’t get distracted. The reason for this is so we don’t get tempted to open another subject if we get frustrated with the one we’re working on.

Reward yourself for achieving a goal in that topic, and last, select a study location that works for you. Experiment with different locations.

College hacks.

When you eat different kinds of gum for when you study multiple subjects at once, remember which one’s match which and use the same kind to chew again during test time so you can help remember it. This is one of many ways to help memorize information by association, such as chewing gum, repeating things, sensory memorization, and acronyms.

Group 2 Final Hacks

When preparing for finals, a good hack is to write out a detailed schedule for the week before and the week of finals to insure you are prepared. If you enjoy cooking, pretend that it is a prep list.

  • Write out when and where your finals are in your calendar with any needed materials you would need for the final.
  • For each class write out what concepts/formulas/theories you need to know to be prepared for your finals.
  • Write out your work schedule, if you have a job, and plan studying time around that.
  • Write out what you’re going to study and when and for how long. Make sure to schedule breaks!
  • Be mindful of how you study. i.e. If you work best in the morning make sure to study before work/class.
  • Find a consistent quiet spot for studying.
  • Remind yourself why you’re in school to help you remain disciplined.
  • Plan meal breaks/cooking time.
  • Schedule 6-8 hours of sleep each night.



Final Hacks Group 2 Section 312

Group 2

Abass, Mohamed, David


Preventing Procrastination During Finals

The worst thing you could do in finals week is wait till the last minute to do things. From personal experiences, procrastinating could lead to you being totally overwhelmed. Things just pile higher and higher until getting an F is inevitable. This is why you need to take steps prior to all of the chaos of finals weeks.


  1. Get organized

 You are more likely to procrastinate if you don’t have a set plan or idea for completing your work


  1. Eliminate Distractions 

Put your in a non-compromising Environment so that you can maintain focus


  1. Prioritize

Make a checklist that differentiates larger value tasks (Testing periods) from smaller value tasks (getting a haircut). 


  1. Set deadlines

Set deadlines that earlier than the required time so you stay ahead of schedule


  1. Take a break

Don’t burn out. Give yourself a break from studying every 45 minutes and do something interesting.


  1. Reward yourself

Pat yourself in the back every now and then. It’s important to reward your good habits so that you have more incentive to strive at your best.


Final Hacks

Group 1 




  1. Make a study guide and take notes on what you would understand for upcoming tests. 
  2. You can make a study guide for upcoming finals. 
  3. Eliminate all distractions 

           A.  Gather information from all chapters that you would be tested on. For math, you could write down all the formulas you may need to practice or when it comes to english you could write down vocabulary words. Also, you could highlight with a marker or underline with a pencil any important topics that you have a concern with. 

         B. You can prioritize notes from the chapters you suffered the most to chapters you suffered the least. With this format, it gives more time and understanding for the chapters. Also, even though you have more confidence in other chapters doesn’t mean you should not study for it. 

          C. Schedule times where you can go over the notes and study them. Find good times you could study for the tests, so like 4-5 hours before test day and 2-3 hours on test days. You would want to create a study guide for 24-48 hours. You should break down each hour to distinguish the times you would want to study. Also in between study breaks, you should take 5-15 minutes to relax your mind then continue on to the next subject. During your study breaks, you could go for a walk around your neighborhood or talk to a friend. 

          D. You should study in places that you feel comfortable. Gather any snacks like fruits, veggies, or nuts before going to your study environment to eliminate you from being distracted from hunger.  You could place the snacks right next to your study materials to make it easier for you to have access. If you have any electronic devices, you should turn off your phone or turn off any tvs that could distract you. Find a place, where it’s strictly off from friends or any family from being around you. 

          E.  You could create your own tests for the subjects. So, you could go through the notes that were taken and form each one into your own question. In addition, you could go to the web and search for you practice tests related to your studies. 

Final Hacks

  1. Angel, Hollard, Toonna (Group 3)
  2. A good study practice is studying in smaller increments of time as it improves long-term memory and retention.
  3. To successfully master a subject, you should:
    1. Make time to study. You don’t want to start studying and be abruptly interrupted, so allot at most an hour of time to give yourself room for any mishaps/preparation.
    2. Find a suitable atmosphere to study—a nice quiet place to study such as your bedroom or a library.
    3. Separate yourself from all possible distractions. If you know you tend to look at your phone (or anything else) constantly, be sure to set it aside, so it doesn’t distract you.
    4. Gather everything you’ll need to be successful. This includes notes, homework, or even a small snack to keep you focused on your study session.
    5. Once you’re settled, set up a timer for 45 minutes and begin your study session. Be sure to take your time and not rush. Studying in smaller increments of time is more beneficial to your long-term memory than cramming information.
    6. Repeat this process once or twice a day until you master the subject. Avoid doing this process within 4 hours of your last study session, over the same subject. Feel free to study another subject utilizing the same process to reduce repetitiveness.

Group Four, 312

Stephanie and Jaslyn

  1. Jaslyn says going to sleep early and drinking a lot of water helped her. Stephanie says to make sure to get enough nutrition and eat enough for energy. 
  2. One thing everyone should do during finals is drunk enough water. 
  3. a) 1. the first step is to calculate how much ur daily intake of water should be. First, you should multiply your weight in pounds by 2/3 (67%). Then, if you exercise daily then add 6 ounces for every 15 minutes of activity. Your final number will be how much water you should drink in OUNCES. If you need extra help calculating this link can help you easily calculate and convert into cups.  b) You need a calculator, water, a bottle, or glass to drink out of.  c) It would be helpful if you are near a restroom during the first few days so that your bladder can be trained to hold the water you are taking in throughout the day. d) You should be drinking the water throughout the whole day. Make sure to pace yourself to reach your goal. It is important to not drink all the water at once, because you don’t want to overcompensate for how much your body can handle, especially when you are first starting off. 

Group One Section 298 ENGL 1102

Hello, our names are, Ayanna C., Alyssa H., Laila T., Keith K., and we are group one!

One healthy thing we did during finals was study in a space that was meant for studying. These spaces included the library and other designated study areas that were located on the Clarkston campus. By studying this way, we were able to leave our stress at school instead of taking it home. We drew a boundary and we stuck to it. This way we didn’t have to worry about our peace being disrupted. (Laila and Keith)

Find time to decompress and intertwine it into your study schedule.
Step 1- identify something that is a stress reliever for you.
step 2 – make time to do this in order to relax and not overwork yourself
step 3 – during your study session when you notice your brain tapping out, know that it is ok to stop and take a break. (Ayanna and Alyssa)

As a group, one thing healthy thing we think everyone should do during finals is to find a designated study space and make time to relax once you’re finished studying there.

This means finding a quiet space, usually a library or another spot in the university that is made for studying, and staying there while you review for finals. You should have all the equipment you would use gathered beforehand and inside of a bag that is easy to place down on the floor. Your bag should have the essentials (books, notebooks, pens, multi-colored highlighters, and any technology you would use to retrieve online information.) and any non-essential items you deem necessary (snacks, headphones, laptop stands, water, pillows, etc.). The atmosphere should be calming and quiet, but if not use the headphones. This should take at least one hour and can last until the university closes. Once you go home, find time to relax. Go into your room, lie down, and sleep, or just take time to complete a hobby. You should get dressed in something soft and comfortable and you should always make sure to find a place you feel comfortable. The only materials you need when decompressing are things that you know make you comfortable. 

Final Hacks

Group three

1. Samuel
2. A helpful tip for finals: to sleep well
3. A and B: Reduce screen time and fix your sleep schedule and use an alarm. Make sure your sleep is consistent and sleep for 8-10 hours daily.
C: The Atmosphere: Sleep in a cool and quiet room
D: 2-3 weeks before finals start practicing your sleep schedule

*consistency is key