Rice University

Nina Lam 

Professor Weaver 

Mar 09, 2022 

English Comp 1102 

Rice University, Houston, Texas 


Rice University is to be considered as one of the top schools in the United States, it is also recognized as a top 10 in top schools for resources. They are involved in helping students with relaxation during what they call the Dead Days, which is also known as final exam days. Rice University looks for students who are true to their beliefs as well as those who believe that they can succeed in life. Rice University is a school that accepts all its students for who they are and thrives to help them as they navigate through their lives. They use the rhetorical style of ethos to persuade new potential students by having their current students appeal to the likes of new students. 


On the website of Rice University, they use the large rhetorical strategy of Inhabiting/ Engaging Social Roles and the rhetorical style of ethos to make the readers more engaged. The website was made to help students easily navigate around and find information. It was made in a way that was pleasing to the eye to persuading new potential students like freshly graduating high school students. As they would navigate the website, they would see sections of the website devoted to different audiences. There are sections for staff and faculty, potential new students, graduate students, and a page dedicated to their alumni. And with everything going on in the world and everyone worrying about Covid-19, the school has made a section to explain how the campus will continue while doing it safely.  

Before students are admitted into the admission interview process, Rice University has provided them with advice on how to successfully ace their interviews by having their current students give their own experiences and advice on how the process was for them. One graduate by the name of Grace C. Baker majoring in Sports Management and Health Sciences had said, “Before going into the interview, make sure to research Rice and know why you want to go to school here. Also, be sure to let your personality shine through, we are excited to get to know you in the interview!” Another student whose name is Valencia S. Sid Richardson said,” Be yourself! Schools want well-rounded human beings rather than academic robots.” With a big community like Rice University, it is only right that the deans there also provide some advice. Thomas Killian, the Dean of Wiess School of Natural science, had said, “Use your time in college to explore broadly and find interests that will sustain you for a lifetime.” By reading some of these pieces of advice, it is easy to say that rather than the school being nitpicky about what students they accept, they would rather have students who are true to themselves.  

As you browse through the website, you can tell that the school is highly involved in helping its students during their hardships. At Rice University, they have this thing called Dead Days. In other words, it can also be known as finals. During these “Dead Days,” many student organizations and the residential college at Rice host many activities such as slumber parties. This is to help their students relieve stress and give students energy before upcoming finals. In these sections, you can see that they are trying to persuade a target group, and in this case, it will potentially be new students looking for something that will make them interested and apply. 

On the website of Rice University, there is a section called “Rice Memories Last a Lifetime,” this is a place where the alumni of Rice University can share some of their favorite memories and experiences. Brandon Mack, the Associate Director of Admission from the college of Wiess, said, “One of my favorite moments at Rice was attending the first ever Rice Drag Show that was put on by Queers & Allies (now known as Rice Pride). It was a huge turn out of the Rice queer community, supportive students and staff and the Houston LGBTQ+ community. We had local drag performers who were part of the Imperial Court come out and support. We had students who performed as drag queens and kings. It was amazing to be in such a supportive environment and to see the queer community of Rice being embraced and celebrating each other.” After reading this, it is possible that he is reaching out to students who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community to let them know that they are accepted at Rice University for who they are. Another graduate by the name of Sneha Kohirkar, also an Associate Director of Admission of Rice University has expressed that she studied abroad in Jordan to learn Arabic for a semester and absolutely loved my visit to Wadi Rum, a desert in the region. By hearing this, it allows current students at Rice University to learn more about the study abroad programs that their school provides them.  


After analyzing the website of Rice University, I have many thoughts on whether I would attend the school. And to answer this, I would say yes. This is because as I browse through the site, I could tell that all my questions would be answered, and I would also be provided with how the school was from the graduates of Rice University. What intrigued me the most was how they went about helping their students with relaxing and dealing with stress during the final weeks. To say that the school is helpful is an understatement because they go out of their way to personally help individuals. Another thing that makes me interested in Rice is that by reading some of the stories from current students, I believe that the students there are heard and that their opinions matter. 




“Rice.” Rice University, https://www.rice.edu/.  


Posted in 312

The University of Houston MP3

Ayanna Cade

ENGL 1102

March 3rd, 2022




The University of Houston is a public university in the city of  Houston, Texas.  According to the website, they want students who want to research, a career, students that are outgoing, and a diversity of students from all types of backgrounds. They use logos and imagine ideal readers from the small and large strategies to persuade their main argument to their readers.



The University of Houston uses logos to prove that they want students who want to research, be leaders, have a career, embrace diversity, and students that are outgoing. They display a lot of data, statistics, numbers, and facts to prove to the readers of their main argument. On their website, the numbers stand out, they are very bold and big. They make the numbers stand out so the reader can have an idea that this is the type of student that they want. On the submenu for research, the website emphasizes that the University of Houston is the 1,075 ranked facility, they have $145 million in new awards, $203 million in research expenditures, and a total of 70 total winners of NSF career awards (1). 

The way that the website proves that it wants a diversity of students through logos is by providing facts from articles and newsletters provided on the website.  According to the website, In the article “UH Among the best in the nation for success of Hispanic Students” from Hispanic Outlook on Education Magazine they state that The University of Houston has been ranked among the top 100 Hispanic – Serving Institutions in the nation (1). The website provides this fact about the school’s diversity to show logos. The website wants the reader to know this is one of the best schools for diversity. The website implied in the article about Hispanic students that “ In the fall of 2020, the University served more than 15,600 Hispanic students” (1). This means that the University of Houston accepted a lot of Hispanic students into their school. This is one of the first sentences the author states in the article. The website observes that the article says “In the fall of 2020 more than 3,000 degrees were earned and The University of Houston Hispanic students earned the majority of those degrees”(1).  The website claims that a lot of degrees in 2020 were awarded to Hispanic students at the University of Houston(1). The website reports facts and data in that sentence to show that Hispanic students can succeed and get degrees at their schools (1). 

The website uses imagining ideal readers to prove to the readers of their main argument.  According to the website, The University of Houston’s ideal reader is students who are outgoing and do not mind living Downton (1). The website emphasizes that the University of Houston delivers a lot of opportunities for students to make new friends, and get involved with the community and many clubs while living in the city (1).  They have many different organizations for their students. A few organizations that the website confirms are “ A Cappella UH “, “Active Minds”,  “African Student Union”, “ AIESEC “ and many more (1).  The website points out that The University of Houston’s ideal reader is also a student who wants to have a career. According to the website “ UH graduate students prepare for dynamic careers” (1). The website confirms that they have many programs of study like undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, online, and counting education (1). This college has many different majors, minors, and programs to provide its ideal reader with many options for careers. 



If the University of Houston came down to Georgia I would attend the school. According to the website, the school is very compassionate and caring towards its students. A University that genuinely cares about its students is a huge factor for me. I love that the school has many research programs being that I am a pre-nursing student. I feel as if I could use those research programs to the best of my ability. The University of Houston is in the city and I honestly think that the city is very beautiful. I never lived downtown but I honestly would not mind. Even though I love being close to home I’m starting to feel like it’s time for me to expand. The school is very compassionate and caring is one of the main reasons why I would go to this college but I am not an outgoing person and this is what this college is looking for. I am very shy so it is hard for me to make friends but going to this school could help me grow out of my shell. This college can help me grow personally. This college would be very new to me but it can help me grow socially and mentally. It can help me meet new amazing people that can make a positive change in my life and their research programs can help me out mentally.

The University of Houston. Retrieved March 9, 2022, from https://uh.edu/



Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design SAR MP3

Armani Billingslea 

English 1102 


Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design is a private for-profit private school found in Lakewood, Colorado. Being that it is a very “progressive” school, the ideal student is someone who’s open to a diverse wide range of people, great leader, great academically, and someone who’s willing to tap into their creative side. Since this is an art school, expectations for what they want are ambiguously chosen based on each person’s own artistic vision. 


Without a doubt Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design has great merit given its history of being for the people but it’s safe to suggest that they dib and dab in amazingly effective recruitment for their school. The very first compelling recruitment tactic is their strong urge to show all the awards/accreditations they have received. Now, how is accreditation going to influence anybody you might ask? To keep it simple, it just means that they are held to a higher degree of accountability. Accreditation ensures that the students are getting the right help when developing and practicing their art. 

Now remember earlier when I mentioned for a few seconds of their history? Well as you might’ve guessed that’s another very convincing tactic that RMCAD uses to reel in students. Plastered in the center of the “About Us” page is another subheading that tells you all about their great historical feats, hitting the reader with positive reinforcement over and over. Inside of it, they tell us basically that RMCAD originally was the largest free tuberculosis treatment center in the world. Although there was no cure for tuberculosis at the time, many believed that Colorado’s ample sunshine and crisp mountain air would help ease the pain. In a way, it became a haven for those who were suffering from tuberculosis. 

My next example would have to highlight around the school’s primary focus/mission. Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design puts a huge emphasis on diversity and that’s the train that keeps pushing the school forward, making it known that they are for everybody. Referring to the “student-services” page on their website RMCAD even go as far as having a “Diversity Alliance.” It is encouraged for all students, faculty, and staff to be a part of the “Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity Alliance.” (IDEA) is a group committed to improving the quality of student life by supplying resources, opportunities and civic engagement to people of all backgrounds. The group also says that they use their influence and go out to do community outreach and leadership training. A few examples of the “Diversity Alliances” accomplishments include: the “implemented mandatory training, the identified & addressed curricular bias was made to make changes in the structures that inform racial bias.” The online course updates are self-explanatory they rewrite/restructure some courses for better inclusion. All this information is readily available and easily found going through the student services section on their website. 

The second to last example that I have is going to call attention to how does life after graduating from RMCAD translates to work. Well for one RMCAD offers a wide range of resources available to its students and alumni. There are areas on campus and on their website that go in depth on how to find internship opportunities, network, jobs, and how to make professional development documents like resumes, cover letters, etc. Additionally, RMCAD’s Career & Alumni Services wants to stay connected even after students graduate. So basically, after you sign up for the services you could receive mentorship, get updates on the job board for employment opportunities specifically just for RMCAD students and alumni. 

Last but not least, the final sample of information the website has that’s meant to persuade prospective students is the repeated areas where you can find the programs that they offer. RMCAD provides both campus and online school courses that include animation, art education, fashion design, game art interior design, and photography just to name a few. 


Now, even though everything I’ve mentioned from their awards to the history, to the schools’ mission, to the progression of getting into the workforce after graduation, to the programs all sound very enticing but I would conclude by confidently saying I would never go here. I will go one by one explaining for each example I gave why I would skip out on RMCAD and go to a different school. For the first example, I’d have to say a schools awards mean absolutely nothing to me. Personally, references from alumni hold more weight than the institutions that are handing out these accreditations. For one, the awards wouldn’t give me an in-depth overview of what goes on internally. The second example, which is the history of the school, doesn’t resonate strongly with me. Another point is that during that period there was no type of cure for tuberculosis and looking back on the times of older medical specialists the treatments weren’t even necessarily proven to be substantially effective for someone’s health. Even the school’s website admits that many who had the disease thought that “Colorado’s ample sunshine and crisp mountain air” helped ease the pain. The third example is the only one that I strongly agree with, this part of exploring the website I absolutely relished. I’m big on diversity and inclusion so I have nothing else to say and nothing negative to say about that part. The fourth example is about life after college translating to work and this section didn’t stick out to me partially because I’m sure most colleges nowadays have a similar system. The fifth and final example is a flat out no for me as well because they have no programs that contain criminal justice or law enforcement.


Work Cited

RMCAD. Retrieved March 7, 2022, from https://www.rmcad.edu/

Posted in 304

Paris College of Art SAR MP3


            The Paris College of Art is looking to nurture a seed of artistic potential by providing an opportunity for growth and experience in a city known for its authentic creative value. The ideal student should want to attend in order to refine their craft in an inspiring and unique environment. The college’s website makes this known by using Purpose and Imagining Ideal Readers as rhetorical strategies.


            The Paris College of Art attracts their ideal students first by making their purpose clear and then by imagining what type of readers would come to their website. PCA’s goal is to encourage culturally diverse and creative students to apply to their school. Under their Admissions tab titled “Become a Paris College of Art Student”, they give the reader a feeling of inclusivity by making them feel welcome to apply. The first sentence of this page states “Choosing the right school requires getting to know a school as well as you can before and during the application process” (PCA 1). Their purpose here is promote prospective students to learn more about the school beforehand by attending virtual tours and open houses. Links to sign up for these events are displayed in large buttons underneath the text meant to capture the reader’s attention. In doing this, they are confident about their campus and what they offer. They know that once students partake in these opportunities, they will feel excited and confident in becoming enrolled at this university. Found under the Student Life tab, PCA boasts that “More than forty countries are represented in the Paris College of Art student population, bringing to this small community a cultural diversity rare among art education institutions” (PCA 1). Diversity is their top attraction as a tool for gaining new students. After all, Paris is a European hub for people coming from many different walks of life. Paired with this block of text is a collection of diagrams and graphs explaining various student identities and backgrounds on campus. Their goal with this to show that no matter where someone comes from in the world, they are invited to join the mix. To continue the previous quote, PCA ends their statement by saying “This, combined with a location at the crossroads of Europe, makes studying at Paris College of Art a uniquely rich experience for young artists and designers” (PCA 1). It is important to note that they are proud of the location in which the school resides. The campus alone is grounds for inspiration. They want readers to know that Paris, being a huge city popular for creative movements, is the perfect place for young artists to find themselves and the niche best suited for them.

             Moving on to Imagining Ideal Readers, right off the bat one can gather that PCA is geared towards English speakers. This is an international university based in France, but the website is only in English. There isn’t even a button found anywhere that can switch the language settings. Paris college of art displays picture slides on their homepage. There is a statement on the first slide that reads “Paris College of Art is an international college with US degree-granting authority and accreditation from the national association of schools of art and design (NASAD)” (PCA 1). This shows that while they are diverse, it is largely leaning towards Americans seeking opportunities abroad. They also have French accreditation through the French Ministry of Accreditation. It is not however highlighted on the forefront of their main page: rather someone would have to dig to find this information.

            Another ideal reader they imagine would be people who have demonstrated previous artistic talent. In the Admissions section, it was made clear that students need a portfolio to apply. They have a link to an online portfolio workshop implying that this “ideal young artist” possibly would not know how to present their work. PCA is very supportive in their application process to attract someone who might be shy in their craft and relatively new to any kind of exposure. This comes in contrast to some other art institutions that are extremely exclusive and have high expectations for applicants.

           PCA also has photos and videos of students on campus to attract similar perspective students that might come across their website. Videos feature young people from various countries (for example there was a girl from Sweden and another from India) saying what program they are taking an interest in (PCA 1). All the media shown is very light and airy, showing art supplies, studios, and historic architecture. This is a place for students to work with their hands and become inspired. PCA wants to connect with the creative thinker and persuade them that this school is where they belong.

College girl in Paris Photo by Mika Baumeister


            This university was successful in the plain fact that their persuasive methods worked on me. I would love to attend this institution. Three of my values from the in-class writing include “success”, “personal growth”, and “peace”. The alumni from PCA seem to have really interesting life paths after obtaining their education. They dabble in a variety of mediums including design, photography, fashion, marketing etc. They are also all located in different cities around the world. That is the perfect depiction of the successful future I see myself having. I want to always be on the go, embarking on some new adventure. Exposing myself to different cultures and ways of thinking puts me on an international level not only career wise, but also in contribution to my personal growth. When I say peace, I know that sounds very simple and easily obtained, but in my life, I had to work to value the importance of that principle. To me that includes my physical environment and my mental headspace in which go hand in hand. In order for me to create art and reach my full potential, I need peace. The Paris College of Art exudes that with their bright spacious studio classrooms and freedom of expression. I don’t want to go to this school for the soul purpose of getting a job. I want to attend this university to expose myself to what it would be like to do what I love and PCA’s strategies convince me that at their school, what I want is possible.

Work cited

Paris College of Art. PCA. Retrieved March 9, 2022, from https://www.paris.edu/

SAR Project – Laila Thurman

Laila A. Thurman

Professor Weaver

English 1102 Section 298 

7 March 2022





The Fashion Institute of Art and Design looks for students who are innovative and aspire to not only participate in the fashion and design industries but lead them on the global stage. Students with these characteristics should attend this school to connect with industry leaders and network with peers, alumni, and affiliated organizations. This institute structures its website to speak directly to those who appreciate the finer things in life and implements the rhetorical strategy of Kairos to appeal to modern students.





On the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising’s website, there is a lot of information for prospective students to sift through. The website speaks of its Los Angeles campus, its mission to promote sustainable practices, connections to the fashion industry, and alumni success stories. As stated in the previous paragraph, the website’s structure is used to speak directly to the hearts of students who appreciate refined designs. Bold colors and simplistic page components help the institution ‘pop’ and remain in the mind of students who can see themselves as leaders and global influencers within the art, design, fashion, and entertainment industries.


At its core, FIDM is an art school. It speaks to those who are creative and who think outside the box. Its advertising reflects this, which is why the FIDM Look Book exists. The Look Book is the best place to begin speaking about structure. According to the FIDM, the Look Book helps prospective students “learn more about what it’s like to be a student at FIDM.” (fidm.edu, Look Book 2021) This Look Book offers a glimpse into life inside the institution and provides well-organized layouts to appeal to those with an eye for design. The aesthetically pleasing pages provide an average amount of information, but it isn’t the information that’s important here. At least not the written kind. The design of the look book, its structure, is organized with several eye-catching components at the forefront. Large photos of Los Angeles, candid photos of students working, and photos of brand collaborations and work opportunities fill the pages and allow students to visualize themselves at the school.


All of the information inside the FIDM Look Book can be found on the institution’s website. However, the organization of the lookbook is much more detailed, acting as an advertisement for the benefits of attending FIDM. It is important to remember that this is an institute of design and merchandising. Every decision made on the website and the accompanying materials is likely made by professionals who work at or with the school. These professionals know how to grab an audience’s attention and use their structuring to guide that audience where they need to go. In this case, the audience is directed towards the Look Book and other colorful parts of the website instead of the deeper information such as pricing, education, and financial aid.


Moving past the website’s design, the next way the structure is used to influence students is through the organization of the website’s success stories page. For context, the website’s mission statement states, “FIDM Graduates embrace cultural diversity and ethical choice while advancing the well-being of their communities.” (fidm.edu, About) The structure of this page provides evidence that supports this statement. By starting with a graduate named Robin Coté, who hosted the Indigen-US fashion show on March 5, 2022, the web page does its best to highlight the different successes of BIPOC students and alumni along with students from other marginalized groups such as the LGBTQ+ community. Coté, who, according to the FIDM website is, “… from the Cote First Nations, which is located in Saskatchewan, Canada,” is a Native American graduate. (fidm.edu, Success Stories) She, along with other alumni such as James Flemons and Sarah Choi, are able to show FIDM’s fulfillment of their mission statement along with their alumni connection and networking opportunities. (fidm.edu, Success Stories)


Outside of structure, FIDM also takes great care to utilize the rhetorical strategy of Kairos. According to Elizabeth Losh and Jonathan Alexander, authors of Understanding Rhetoric: A Graphic Guide to Writing, Kairos is “a larger rhetorical strategy that focuses on Awareness of the appropriate timing, occasion, or opportunity for a given rhetorical act.” Most examples of this strategy are located within the look book, but a few managed to sneak inside the campus life section of the website.


Starting with the sustainability section of the lookbook, it can be assumed that FIDM’s focus on this practice stems from the popularization of sustainable fashion and climate activism. People (both prospective students and others) have begun to criticize the wastefulness of industries involved in fashion and design. By placing information about sustainability on a spread dedicated entirely to showcasing the institution’s commitment, FIDM aims to entice those aware of the damages caused by plastic packaging and exploitative trade. (FIDM Look Book, 32) As of right now, with climate change and other global emergencies, the emphasis placed on sustainability and ethicality has become mainstream.


Following the sustainability section of the look book comes the website’s global industry practice. As stated in the FIDM’s mission statement, “FIDM’s engaging learning environment and rigorous programs of study develop graduates who become leaders in the industries of global design and business.” (fidm.edu, About) It is no secret that global trade networks make the world go round, and fashion has always been a field that thrived from globalization. FIDM makes sure to recognize that history as they advertise the benefits of attending their institution. The goal of FIDM is to attract students who have the potential to become leaders in their respective industries. These students connect with FIDM’s alumni success stories and are then influenced by that success to apply.




 Personally, I would not attend FIDM. Even if the school was affordable and the campus was located in Georgia, it would be a waste of time without an interest in fashion, design, or merchandising. Even if I was interested in the majors at this school, FIDM’s status as a for-profit university makes me wary. While FIDM does a lot more for its students than most institutions like it, they still hide a lot of information behind a difficult-to-navigate website. They invest in internships, scholarships, supplies, and physical campus, and I know they partner with GUESS to study sustainability. But, outside of their brag sheet, it’s hard to find facts like average GPA, graduation rate, retention rate, and classes offered within majors. Overall, they have an impressive catalog of benefits. However, the difficult-to-navigate website is impossible to ignore. In the end, FIDM is an impressive school. The students it promotes seem to be happy and satisfied with their education. Though nontraditional, the alumni showcased on the success stories website lead me to believe that it fulfills and promotes growth for many of those who choose to attend. Finally, FIDM lacks a student community due to its campus living situation. Community is one of my most important values because those who surround you support you. Since there is no community formed at this university, there is no established support group, which is another nail in the coffin. Even in a perfect world, I would continue to have no interest in attending FIDM.


Works Cited 

Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. “Your Storybegins Here.” FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, https://fidm.edu/.

“FIDM Home Page.” FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, https://fidm.edu/.

Losh, Elizabeth M., et al. Understanding Rhetoric: A Graphic Guide to Writing. Bedford/St. Martin’s, Macmillan Learning, 2021.




Major Project 3

Demostric Ray 



Oregon State University talks about a lot of their skills and attributes to attract like-minded individuals. The University prides itself in filling its campuses with high achievers who prefer small classes and are looking to major in something that can directly change the world. The institution is one of only three other schools to have all applicable grants.  The establishment strives to reach students who are interested in making changes in the world through hands-on experience and proper training. Seeking students who do not mind being on campus and engaging in the detailed research studies programs. Any student looking to help with environmental changes, humanity wellness, and advanced technology should apply. The university uses strategies such as “APATSARC-Purpose” to help engage the reader’s mind and Large Rhetorical Strategies such as “imaging ideal Readers “to persuade any shy scholar who’s looking their way.



Oregon State University does many things to get interested students eager to apply. They do this through various skills apart of the APATSARC strategies. The University website creators also find tactful ways to grasp the students they are looking for through large rhetorical skills like imagining the ideal readers. These skills are very important when it comes to recruitment teams. These skills help you to understand why the author is writing or saying anything, helping you see what goals the author may have in mind as well as imagining the audience the author is trying to grab. Filling the university with the students they desire to fit their standards is no easy task. In this passage, I will analyze how the website employs these strategies.

The Site starts by giving us a large burst of imagery quickly followed by student section links. In these links, the authors and creators state their messages and values and a small synopsis of history on the school. These links are the key to putting the ideal student right in the hands of the Office of admission. On the website it states,” Everybody deserves access to an education that transforms their lives. Yours could be next” (Oregon State University” Home”). This statement allows the reader to think of themselves as deserving and on the right path to changing their life. As a student, this gets you wondering “why?”, why must I pick this institution over all the other schools in Oregon?

The site then uses APATSARC strategies to help the show and persuade the reader why “Oregon state is the destination for more high achieving students than any other school in Oregon.”  (Oregon State University” Why OSU”). A minor but effective detail helps readers see how the institution makes use of small facts all over the website constantly grabbing at the student’s mind to help see how high achieving scholars such as themselves are exactly who belongs there. Oregon shows that their campus has more than enough to offer by mentioning that Oregon state is not only a land grant, but also a sea, sun, and space-grant university. ” (Oregon State University “About”). Being one of only three in the country allows more funding to all the programs offered. This allows students to ease their minds if they are having issues with campus location attached to certain majors. It also shows us how students who are looking for a well-funded and up-to-date program can look no further.

The creators knew that some students may be a bit discouraged to apply due to students not knowing what career pathway to take. To help ease those students’ minds the website states that you can “study anything, you want choices we got choices.”  (Oregon State University “Parents”). Stating this gives the students insight into how the institution plans to cater to any student unsure of their profession or simply willing to find what works for them. This is not only big for the incoming students but also for the parents of those new freshmen students. Incoming students who are serious about their professional lives after college need not worry either. The institution states that by being a public research university and offering internships these are the exact variables needed to have a well-paying career they are sure to love” (Oregon State University ”Why Osu”).

The website finds ways to reach its ideal readers through the description of the establishment “Ranked for innovation, education, entertainment, and overall livability.” (Oregon State University” Why OSU”).  A student reading this will quickly find themselves questioning If they are in fact innovative and looking for ranked education with great entertainment and housing. This method is critical for the website being that it will be the leading factor in persuading the ideal student. The university has to offer quite a few of these intriguing statements for the students they desire and those they do not.

Students of all kinds are accepted and welcomed, but the university is seeking students that are looking to be scholars. Students who are motivated and willing to take their National and Graduate exams, and pass are brought to the spotlight when the website states details and statistics on how well their students do “Our students Pass the National exams + entrance to graduate programs.” (Oregon State University ”Why OSU”). Envisioning what the reader may or may not think is what makes the college so successful. Of course, students are worried about national exams and graduate programs so why not comfort the students with detailed facts on how the school can make it very possible for them. The authors and creators go through various lengths to make sure that these strategies grab students who are looking to attend an innovative, well-funded, multicampus, University will be reached and persuaded.



I do believe that the University would have grabbed my attention if I was a freshman looking to find a school that has a little bit of everything with financial stability.  The site provided readers with a lot of flashy facts but, the university does not specialize in anything. It seems to have so many options for students that it has nothing to concentrate in. Which makes me feel like the college has no actual expertise. For example, Harvard is known for being a law school, even though you can also get other degrees there, they specialize in Law degrees. The fact that Oregon State offers so many options may be appealing to students who are new to the college experience. Which can bring in tons of potential candidates, but what about life after college. Getting a job with no experience is extremely difficult. With the school having no expertise in a major or career field, how can they provide you with the proper training and network to be successful? I believe college should be about preparing you for life after college and helping students become a part of the labor force, in whatever major they choose. Even if the school was made to my convenience I would only fall into the persuasion if I was a first-term freshman.




 Oregon State University, https://oregonstate.edu/.





Kiara Giles


English 1102

7 November 2022


Summary: Fordham’s Ideal student is a student who is a Jesuit and religious students. They look for students who will take that extra mile without being asked to. Not just in school but outside of school as well! They want people who have been involved in the world, who have done things to help their community. This type of student should attend this school because it’ll help students be better at what they do. It’ll open them up to new ideas, they’ll experience way more that what they’re used to. They used Audience and Imagining Ideal Readers for this argument.

Analysis: I say that the Authors used audience because of some of the things they said. For example, they saidOur goal is to find people who aren’t going to sit on the sidelines. Have you been involved in anti-racism work, or in identifying and dismantling anti-Black racism in your school or community (e.g. Black Lives Matter)? Have you been involved in other social causes around the environment or climate change?”(What we’re looking for 1) When they wrote this they wrote this for people who like to take risks and make change! People who wants to be apart and stand up for what’s right! People who wants to go out and explore and be apart of something so much bigger. In our admission process, we want to bring together students who are going to do great things—to strive for “more” as a class. This notion of “more”—magis—is a thread that runs throughout our Jesuit education. And not just on the academic front, but in every aspect of their lives”(what we’re looking for 1). This Is another quotation bouncing off my ideas and from these two quotes alone.This  would be for people who are outgoing and adventurous. People who wants to do things for their community and give back when they are able to.

Imagining Ideal Readers. I think our authors ideal readers would be people who seek Jesuit values. Jesuit is a religious of the Catholic Church headquartered in Rome. The Campus in Manhattan will most likely attract people who want to live In the city. People who wants to walk all day and all night to see the big bright city. New York is known as “The city that never sleeps” because even at night there are always going to be something to do! No matter what time it is. So when the Author talks about the campus in Manhattan, I think they imagine people who wants to engage in arts, people who want to learn and do research about life and explore their education. Even people who wants to meet all different kinds of people. I think that there are so many kind of ideal readers for this schools because there is so much to do. I think the author is also looking for people who doesn’t really know what they want to be in life.

Response:Yes, I would attend this college. I think the reason why I would go to this college Is because It honestly fits me as a person. I love giving back, helping people out, and etc. Also there are a lot of big/ successful people who have attended there whether they graduated there or transferred, I know if they were able to become successful so can I. I always try to go beyond what i am asked to do because it makes me feel better/ confident about whatever I am doing. I like to stand out (In a good way). The one value I would link to Fordham would be leadership. I always want to be a leader in everything I do. I want people to look up to me. I want to motivate people and be their reminder that they could do anything they put their mind to! Fordham, to me, looks like a school filled with nothing but leaders. People who doesn’t care to try and fit in with the rest. I would love to meet different kinds of people! Knowing where they come from and how they got there. Their different experiences in life. Im all in for that kind of stuff, so I would definitely attend.

Works Cited:








Major Project 3: Summary Analysis Response Paper

Gal Bornstein 

Prof. Rebecca Weaver 

English 1102 

March 9, 2022 

Summary/Analysis/Response Paper on Metro State University at Denver 


Metro State University of Denver uses the large rhetorical strategy of Imagining Ideal Readers and the APATSARC strategy of “Purpose” to target whom they want to attend their school. The ideal student they are looking for is one who has big dreams but also wants to have an affordable, but high-quality education. Throughout the website, there are many examples of the fact that they are trying to target an audience from all walks of life to enroll in their school. This shows that MSU is searching for students from whatever background they come from to pursue a higher degree and contribute to society. 


MSU is a public university located in Denver, Colorardo. The University was founded in 1965 and was originally established as an alternative school. The purpose of this was so students from all sorts of backgrounds could have an equal opportunity to pursue the education they desired. 

In the strategy of Imagining Ideal Readers, MSU states in their website on their “About” section “Committed to fostering social equity. All while offering an accessibly excellent experience” (MSU Denver, About Section 1). This statement makes it very clear that they are trying to target potential students who come from a background where they cannot necessarily get into an expensive college but have the work ethic to enter the workforce of a respected career. MSU Denver using this rhetorical strategy makes it easy to read the website for the average reader as well as makes it feel very inviting. The structure of the writing on the website feels very positive and uplifting, which makes the average reader have a desire to continue browsing through the website. 

In the About section, when clicking on “Strategic Plan 2030,” they use “Purpose” from APATSARC strategy to not only state their intentions of the types of students they desire to have enroll in the school, but also to inform the reader about how they have already been enrolling students from a wide range of demographics in the past and plan on bolstering this idea. “Others are working to make a midlife career change, are traditional students attending a university for the first time or are new Americans striving to reap the benefits of higher education.” (MSU Denver Strategic Plan 2030 1) This sentence emphasizes the type of students they aim to have apply. They are not necessarily looking for the type of person that already has access to large wealth, but more so for the person who did not have the chances for those types of opportunities as ones in upper class society do.  

The core values of MSU are “Community, access, diversity, respect, and excellence” (about, Core values 1). This area defines the purpose of the university. With community, it is stated on the page that they are promoting the “well-being” (About, Core Values 1) of the student body and faculty at large. This not only means to care for one’s physical health, this means to have a supportive environment academically, culturally, and economically (About, core values 1). They are trying to benefit not only the university they are in, but also the public. 

Furthermore, MSU continues to use the purpose of inclusivity. With 57% of students being first-generation American and 48% being of color, (Admissions, First Time Students 1) it is one of the most diverse universities in the state of Colorado. The university takes inclusion so seriously to the point that they have a “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council” (About, Office of Diversity and Inclusion 1). They describe it as being one of the core values of the school, (About, Office of Diversity and Inclusion 1) and clearly state that diversity is part of their identity. 


I really enjoyed reading about the history of the school and the philosophy they have. There are many universities that already have strong academic programs but do not necessarily have a system set up to make people from different minorities, socioeconomic statuses, etc. feel welcomed in the university. I am already in a university which was my top choice in the state I live in. The reason why I chose it was because I preferred paying in-state tuition rather than out-of-state. I would have chosen this school solely because of its geographic location. Being in Denver gives them strong opportunities to continue having more diversity and provide good education for their students. 

Even though I come from a background that is statistically speaking not necessarily discriminated against in the academic or professional system, seeing MSU that take inclusivity as seriously as they do is very impressive to me. Because of this, it seems that the school continues to grow and receive more funding from the state. This will greatly benefit not only the school, but also the current and future students who will attend.  

Because I am intending on entering the nursing program where I currently am, it is very likely I will attend MSU for their Bachelor’s in Nursing bridge program.  I will continue to emphasize the fact they are in Denver would not only benefit me academically but also professionally. This would give me great networking opportunities in the city and the surrounding areas. With the NCLEX passing rate being at almost 95%, it is about 10% higher than the national average. This gives me a great amount of confidence that if I were to attend, I would be guaranteed success.  

With a small student-to-faculty ratio, there is a much better chance of getting help from the professors if you need it. A big problem with nursing schools in prominent universities is an excess of students. With that being said, not only would I be more likely to get help when I need it, but the professors would also be more focused on the help they provide to me.  

I think that even though MSU tends to target students from less privileged backgrounds, it is an excellent choice to pursue a degree regardless. At the end of the day, once you enter the workforce, employers in many different fields do not look at the prestige of whatever college you went to. That is why for nursing, I did not bother with looking at expensive schools. In the end, if the school is accredited and with a good reputation, it does not matter.

Works Cited

Metro State University, https://www.msudenver.edu/



Major Project 3: Summary, Analysis, and Response Essay

Stephanie Vazquez 

Professor Weaver 

English 1102-312 

9 March 2022 


Major Project 3: Summary, Analysis, and Response Essay 


Rice University is a private research university in Houston, Texas. The type of student that Rice University wants to see in their school is someone who values diversity, small classes, and who’s interested in building relationships and an unconventional top university. A student who is looking for a top school with high rankings, a close community, and looking for someplace to belong would be happy to attend here. The website made by Rice University uses two strategies to reel in students… knowing whom their Audience is and Imagining Ideal Readers.  



The rhetorical strategy that Rice University’s website mainly uses is Audience. This strategy is simple, the author must know who their audience is, whom they are writing for, and whom their message should be read by.  One of the first examples of this comes from the landing page. As the reader scrolls down there is a quick facts section. This section of the page is straightforward and lets us know facts about the university such as its rank in USA colleges and student to faculty ratio. “Top 20 in USA” “6:1 Student-to-Faculty Ratio” The university knows that most of the school website’s readers are soon-to-be students and students who are currently college searching (Rice, “Rice Facts”). The idea of having facts on the first page is not new and is used by many. A facts page means that the schools know that researching students will want to know about the college’s achievements.  

It isn’t until the reader goes on to the office of admissions page that it becomes even more persuasive. Keeping in mind the focus on the audience, the admissions page is catered for the students who are looking at applying for the school. There is one more fact page here that details an explanation of their “loan-free institution”. This is important because if they know that their audience will be students that are seeking a school that will help with financial aid, they will be drawn in by this statement. Rice University says, “It’s no secret that many students from middle-class families are increasingly taking on loans in order to afford private colleges and universities.” (Rice, “Office of Admission”) They are now appealing to the part of the audience that may be of a lower social class. Meaning that the school is trying to include every one of any social class. They continue saying, “As a loan-free institution, we invest in our students so they can graduate without the burden of student debt.” (Rice, “Office of Admission”) They are trying to reel in the students who may fear student debt. These strategies will work in answering the biggest questions students have about attending college which is ‘how am I going to pay for this?’ 

A second rhetorical strategy that is being used throughout the whole website is Imagining Ideal Readers. This is similar to the previous strategy ‘audience’ as they both focus on the reader and how they would be reacting to reading the material. The biggest point is that the author often asks the reader questions. The first thing the reader sees on the admissions page is “What if your next four years exceeded all expectations?” (Rice, “Office of Admission”) The school is depicting all these questions throughout the site. This is because the author is catering to that student who will be thinking about the questions asked. For example, another example of this happening is when they ask, “What if one of the top research universities didn’t act like all the other selective schools?” (Rice, “Office of Admission”) The student looking will start thinking maybe I do want to go to a top school that is unique in its approach to helping students. The author is using this strategy of asking questions to reel in that ideal reader. Another question they ask is, “What if a prestigious school looked for ways to open doors instead of close them” With this statement, we can deduce that they want students who seek out prestigious schools and who are invested in trying to help the students (Rice, “Office of Admission”). If a student reads that and thinks to themselves that this school might be offering what they are looking for, then this website did a good job in imagining the ideal reader of their university page.  



Rice University is a seemingly prestigious research university in the heart of Houston, Texas. This school has a lot of things I am looking for, diversity, and small classes are a big win. I do enjoy the idea of being in a city where there are a lot of fun activities to do. Whether the university stayed in Houston or moved to Atlanta I think the school would be a good choice. It is a well-respected institution with a variety of majors to choose from. Personally, if I were to choose a path as a scientist, I think this school would be a wonderful choice because of its research focus. Science is one of my interests, but I am mainly looking for schools that offer a variety of music degrees such as music technology or music therapy. This school does not offer those degrees but does offer a more classical approach to a music degree.  

Admission to the school is estimated to be around 17k after financial aid. (Rice “Cost of Attendance”) However if money was not a problem, I think Rice university would be a good stable option for someone to spend their time in. I can tell from the website that they are proud of the traditions of the school and all the majors they offer. One of my values in life would be creativity, I think this university would do a great job in fulfilling that value in my academic life. The school often has events going on, community bonding events, and as well as musical concerts that students may attend. This type of thing is important for me in school, I think it would be wonderful for a school to unite students together through more creative means.  



“Cost of Attendance.” Office of Financial Aid | Rice University, Rice University, 2021, https://financialaid.rice.edu/cost-attendance.  

“Rice.” Rice University, 2022, https://www.rice.edu/. 

Belmont Abbey College: Summary, Analysis, and Response



The College that I picked is Belmont Abbey College was founded in 1876 as St. Mary’s College by Benedictine monks from Saint Vincent Archabbey in Pennsylvania. And, Belmont Abbey College is a private, Catholic liberal arts college in Belmont North Carolina. Also, the present name of the college was adopted in 1913. The kind of student is the college’s ideal prospective student are the smart student, the student who as gets an A+ in every assignment, the student who pass the quiz/tests, and the student who get a lot of awards. The student should attend this college because the college has a lot of majors that the student would like to be.


This website is trying to get the students to attend their college. And, I do believe that some students would join the college because the college has many majors that would get the student’s attention. Also, the college would be more likely to have smart students because the smart students would like to be in this college because of the majors that the colleges have. When the college has more students that want to learn the rate of the college will increase. And, after the rate of the college increase, more students would like to attend the college. Some students from different colleges would attend this college maybe the other college does not have the major that the student wants to be. Also, I took a look at the review that people said and some people said that colleges have good majors and a good teaching environment. Also, more than 80 percent of the faculty at Belmont Abbey hold doctoral degrees in their subjects. After completing a core curriculum, students declare a major and concentrate on their chosen areas of study. The college has good look at the outside. And, many students don’t want to leave the college. It has a lot of good rates of reviews.


Yes, I would like to go to this college because it has majors that would get my attention. Also, this college has a good certificate that people can be proud of. I would be happier if the college is not that far away because I will get the opportunity to go to this college. Also, I heard that many students change their major because when they saw different majors, they got interested to change their major and for them to change what they want to be. So, If I went there, I would maybe change my majors. But it will take time for me and other students to graduate from college because some of the majors we have to go to college for 4-6 years so, it will take time for me and other students to graduate ‘from college. Also, Belmont Abbey has a theatre department. At present, the theatre produces six shows a year, representing a wide repertoire of drama, comedy, and musicals.
