Meet David Jefferies


 David Jefferies is a seventeen-year-old dual enrollment student at Georgia State Univerisity. David has learned a lot over the years in school. Meeting David taught me a lot about who he is; I made my observations, and he even opened up about his past experiences and future goals. Jefferies plans to earn a Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Art and a Concentration in Digital Arts. I was able to enjoy every minute spent with David’s Academic self, with his charge to take the initiative, his attentiveness, and honesty. David is determined to become all that he can, and he is driven and motivated to be successful. 

Three word’s to describe David’s Academic self are intelligent, humble, and bold. I could assume David’s boldness from when he took it upon himself to introduce himself to me and take the initiative in exchanging contact information to get started on our project. A first-year dual enrollment student and a senior at Dekalb Early College Academy. Jefferies’s explained his mother was his motivation and biggest influencer because of how hard-working she is. He maintained an average of A’s and B’s throughout grade school, although David did admit to falling out of practicing his studies. Samford’s “How to study” videos gave great examples of how to make time for your studies and maintain a good grade point average by creating a study schedule to manage time more wisely. If David became more focused on his goals, he would be unstoppable. Even though David does not study as much as he should, he still maintains his good grades and balances school and social life. 

For the past two weeks, I have gotten to know David Jefferies, and he’s taught me so much about who he is on the outside and inside. David was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, and attends Georgia State University’s dual enrollment program. David plans to major in Digital Arts, influenced by his driven & self-motivated mother. David has always made a way to maintain his excellent grade point average along with his social life. “How to study” videos gave a lot of excellent practices on how to excel in your studies and become successful. I had the option to partake in each moment enjoyed with David’s Academic self, with his charge to step up, mindfulness, and trustworthiness. Still up in the air to turn out to be everything that he would be able, he is driven and propelled to be effective.