Major project 4

Angel Sabino


Professor: Rebecca Weaver

April 13, 2022

Image result for badg grade picture

There are a great number of practices that students can do to get over a bad grade. The evidence provided in this project is to help students overcome a bad grade on an assignment. Much of the evidence is supported by professionals in the field of education, books about bad practices students can have, and a survey that was given to college students. The amount of students that let themselves get put down by a grade increases, and the number of unprepared students for this situation is hurtful to the education field. A student’s standpoint on what is believed to be a good or bad grade is important in order to overcome a bad grade, as well as what methods to overcome an assignment, also demonstrating an understanding of the assignment is crucial. 

In the article “ Schools Are Facing a surge of failing Grades During the Pandemic — and Traditional Approaches Like Credit Recovery Will Not Be Enough to Manage It” Betheny Goss claims that “ In New Mexico, more than 40 percent of middle and high school students were failing at least one class as of late October” ( Bethany par. 2). This data taken in 2021 underline the clear amount of student unprepared for classes. Bethany also states that “Nearly 40 percent of grades for high school students in St. Paul, Minnesota were Fs,” and how this number has doubled in the recent school year( Betheny par. 2). The amount of failing students goes way beyond a state. Betheny also states that “ In Fairfax County, Virginia, the biggest drop in grades came for students whose primary language is not English: 47 percent are underperforming in math, 53 percent in English.” (Betheny par. 11). The first step in overcoming a bad grade is understanding what a good grade is to a student.

 Most often students do not know where to start when receiving a bad grade. One of the best places to start is understanding what a good grade looks like. The article “College students’ categorical perceptions of grades: it’s simply ‘good’ vs. ‘bad,” was written by Boatright-Horowitz and Chris Arrudaon. Is a survey that was taken by 561 undergraduate college students(Boatright and Chris sec. participants), and its aim was to show what a good “numeric grade, alphabetic grades, numeric non-grades, and alphabetic non-grades” is to a college student. Boatright and Chris want students to understand what a good grade means, this is proven to be true by the statement that“ratings for letter grades were significantly lower than those for non-grade letters for most low grades,”(Chris and Boatright sec. Ratings of grades) and “ratings for numeric grades were significantly greater than non-grade numbers for high grades” (Chris and Boatright sec. Ratings of grades.) The section on Rating of Grades suggests that students prefer a higher grade. Boatright and Chris also suggest that students categorize grades in two tears, which is either good or bad grade. Understanding what is considered a good grade is the first step in overcoming a bad grade. It helps students understand what they did to recvice that grade. 

When the student has understood the reason for receiving a bad grade. They can ask for feedback, but the feedback should be constructive. Zenobia Chan states in “Good and bad practices in rubrics: the perspectives of students and educators.” that a constudtive feedback has “ several levels of quality is a more visible approach for students  “ ( Chan sect. Implications par. 2). This quality of feedback is very benifical to the students becasuse it allows them too  “achieve a desirable level of performance and establish learning goals” (Chan sect. introduction). With this feedback and startagies student can overcome a bad grade. Kathleen talks about developing skills and awareness as a student in college. Kathleen states that the method “ Supplementary Materials, “  is a very practical method because it “can be assigned for working on out of class and therefore do not take class time away from content” (Kathleen page 57). All this is beneficial to the student but it would not work if the student does not understand their learning style. 

In the book Teaching Unprepared Students: Strategies for Promoting Success and Retention in Higher Education the author Kathleen states that for a student to successfully get the grade they desire, the student must figure out their learning style. Learning styles can be categorized in four ways, “active or reflective,  sensing or intuitive, visual or verbal, and sequential or global.”Kathleen states that active learning works “by trying things out and working with others [but ]reflective learners learn by thinking things through, and working alone”( Kathleen page 60).  Kathleen also states that Intuitive learners want information that is conceptual, innovative, and oriented toward theo-ries and meanings(Kathleen page 61). While “Sensing learners prefer information that is concrete, practical, and ori-ented toward facts and procedures” (Kathleen page 61). Visual learners remember best from pictures, diagrams, flowcharts, timelines, films, and demonstrations. While Verbal learners are the opposite and prefer written and spoken explanations. Sequential learners are linear, orderly, and learn in small incremental steps. Whereas “global learners are holistic, systems thinkers and learn in large leaps.” By understanding what the students’ learning style is they can get closer to success. 

The large amount of students failing classes or assignments in recent years has increased. To decrease this large increase, students can use strategies to help them receive a better grades. What is a good grade also matters and it is important for them to understand that. All this is useless if the student does not know what their learning style is. Overall there are options for decreasing the students failing classes or assignments.


Work sited: 

Acadicllu journal:

Boatright-Horowitz, SuL. College students’ categorical perceptions of grades: it’s simply ‘good’ vs. ‘bad’.Wiley Blackwell, Medical Education (MED EDUC), Mar2015; 49(3): 307-320. (14p). CINAHL, 10.1111/medu.12659.

Chan, Zenobia. “Good and bad practices in rubrics: the perspectives of students and educators.” Taylor & Francies, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. Jun2019, Vol. 44 Issue 4, p533-545. 13p.Sociological Collection, 10.1080/02602938.2018.1522528.


Gabriel, Kathleen F.  “Teaching Unprepared Students: Strategies for Promoting Success and Retention in Higher Education.” Bloomfield: Stylus Publishing. 2017. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), 9781579222307. 9781579222291. 9781579229412. 9781620367957.

Popular website: 

Betheny Gross. “Schools Are Facing a surge of failing Grades During the Pandemic — and Traditional Approaches Like Credit Recovery Will Not Be Enough to Manage It” The74million. 


Clemson University – Major Project 3 (Update)


Angel Sabino 

English 1102

Professor Weaver



Clemson strives to be a place that can become home to students. Throughout the whole school, students can be satisfied with the activists that the school offers. The University of Clemson’s ideal students are those that have future goals, and ambitions, While still having historical traditions within themselves. The University of Clemson’s mission is to have students be a part of something big as the campus looks semi-new but keeps an old type of historical architecture.


When first opening the website question “What will Clemson start for you ?” is on the home page of the official Clemson website and opens up the idea of growth. The question is associated with the definition of Large Rhetorical called case studies, a “Research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a subject of study,” stated Wikipedias definition. This question also brings up the strategy purpose in a Small “In-the-text” Rhetorical Strategie method by making the students look at the future of the visitor. Clemson also looks at them themselves as “family,” which gives their students a sense of purpose. Clemson also has a strong relationship with its students, unlike many other large universities, in academic and athletic success. The soccer program in Clemson has won the “National state championship” in D1 college soccer. This success also relates to many other sports programs at Clemson.

Further, more on the websites, visitors can see that Clemson creates a significant amount of the small “In-the-text” Rhetorical strategy purpose. For example, the statement “Join the Clemson Family” is a prime example of how Clemson has created a feeling of belonging among students. The Clemson website writer used this “In dept” strategy as a method of Large Rhetorical Case studies to attract high school students to their college. This Large Rhetorical case study helps the university build trust among the students and helps in their path to being their future selves. Most importantly, the university wants the students to feel like college students and be comfortable enough to seek a new beginning. Clemson makes seeking a new beginning easy with its many activities in and out of school. These significant and historical traditions also attract many students to their college.


There, the leading college in Sikes Hall in South Carolina. The location is just one of the many attractions that make Clemson unique to visitors. Like Clemson, the city also has a lot to offer, and so does the Natural life. Clemson sits next to East Beach in South Carolina, according to Many students take the time to go to these places. All the surrounding activities that the website shows make the students more engaged in what the college offers. The activities make students more “In-dept,” this is the definition from Wikipedia regarding large Rhetorical case studies. Their financial support, as well as the administration, is one of the best in South Carolina. The university also has to offer historical and new programs. While Clemson is making changes throughout the college, it still holds historical traditions. Most students like these traditions. The university is also a deficient populated city home to most students who attend Clemson. They have many activities, but they also have many “Upcoming campus events” that students can partake in. Unlike many other large universities, Clemson provides students with the facilities and tools to do what they strive for academically and athletically. 


“Would I go to this college?” Is the big questions here. There are better universities than Clemson with a better campus, program, and staff. Although the admission and campus are lovely, The sense of a family environment throughout the college is what would make me go to this college. The amount of activities and the capability to do anything physically is terrific, and the ideologies of the university also make me want to go to Clemson. The critical thing that makes me want to come to this university is the sense of belonging and the new programs it offers. The major that I would like to pursue also plays a big part in my decision in wanting to go to this Clemson. Overall, I would like to go to this college because of the things it offers.

Work cited:

Academic self for Andre

My interaction with Andre was great. The amount of attention towards a task can depend on his interest in the task. When he finds something that is interesting he would put in the effort. He also had the pressure of not failing and he has accepted that it can happen. He also tries to maintain a good grade in each class, but it may seem hard for him because of him having to maintain a job. His desire to maintain his grades is because of him trying to make his parents proud. Andre also wants to be a mechanical engineer by completing the 4 years required. After that, he has planned to work for a firm. He has also identified from the video the most important aspect of studying. This has helped him in keeping good grades and fixing his schedule. The three words that he used in his academic self have been accurate with what we have talked about. For one of the words, he put disinterested in certain topics and being adaptive. He can also be inattentive and thinks about the future a lot. For example, Andre chose GSU because of the cost and has already planned out where he is going to go next after GSU.
When it comes to motivation he has to find the motivation to do certain stuff. He also is trying to improve on getting his adult life more flexible. He feels as if he has no time throughout the day to do things that he loves. Right now his goal is to keep his grades up and to try to deal with the fact that he is now an adult. He is also not that sociable before covid and right now it is harder for him to talk to people because of the virus. Andre has tried to improve on socializing with others. During our talk, he did have a lot on his mind and was very open about his personal life.
Andre is fresh out of high school and has to do things differently from high school. He has a hard time adapting to the news of still going to college while a virus is still out there. It has become more of a problem to him because of how different he did stuff in high school. He likes the fact that college is more flexible. Andre is a great student but, need to chase something to get him going.