Group 2 Final Hacks

When preparing for finals, a good hack is to write out a detailed schedule for the week before and the week of finals to insure you are prepared. If you enjoy cooking, pretend that it is a prep list.

  • Write out when and where your finals are in your calendar with any needed materials you would need for the final.
  • For each class write out what concepts/formulas/theories you need to know to be prepared for your finals.
  • Write out your work schedule, if you have a job, and plan studying time around that.
  • Write out what you’re going to study and when and for how long. Make sure to schedule breaks!
  • Be mindful of how you study. i.e. If you work best in the morning make sure to study before work/class.
  • Find a consistent quiet spot for studying.
  • Remind yourself why you’re in school to help you remain disciplined.
  • Plan meal breaks/cooking time.
  • Schedule 6-8 hours of sleep each night.



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