Major Project 3: SAR Assignment


Samira Abdi


Professor Weaver


English 1102




SAR Project Process on Carnegie Mellon University



Carnegie Mellon University is a private, non-profit university located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This institution was founded in the 1900 by Andrew Carnegie. This school creates a learning environment where technology and industrial research are one of the biggest and known pathways. Carnegie Mellon University has a reputation for empowering students to be their best selves and to feel comfortable. The University has extremely high standards and upholds them just as strictly as any Ivy League school. Carnegie Mellon University website uses the structure APATSARC strategy and inhabiting/engaging social roles for their large rhetorical strategy to capture a selective audience.




Capturing a student’s attention into considering Carnegie Mellon University is the reason why the website is structured in a certain aspect. The APATSARC strategy that Carnegie Mellon University heavily engages in is structure. The structure of this website is what captures a student’s idea of the school. On the landing page is where a student determines whether the school is something they would consider. Specifically this school was very smart in how they structured their website. As soon as you hit the landing page you see various students engaging in different activities. It sets the tone that this institution engages with various activities to keep students entertained and knowledgeable. CMU communicates on their website that they are indeed there for scholars to help reach them to their aspirations. According to Carnegie Mellon University it states,”In the classroom, around the dinner table, on the playing fields or on stage, students pursue their curiosities, passions and aspirations.”(, student-experience)Which is explicitly shown throughout the entire website for CMU.

Being a research university,  representation of the technological/innovative pathways are extremely important. According to the U.S News on the Carnegie Mellon website, Carnegie Mellon University ranks #1 in undergraduate information and technology management also in– undergraduate computer science. By using data and technology Carnegie Mellon University shows us how it can benefit the knowledge of the world we live in. Reaching that point requires shedding light to an organized section on the website for the research aspect of this university. Which there are. There are numerous pictures showing students and faculty engaging in technological equipment to further research. An example of  structure of this research page is how at the bottom of the page it shows multiple news articles successes and informative information regarding faculty and staff. CMU demonstrates that students have the opportunity to expand their research at other locations. In the research aspect of this website it states, “CMU also performs restricted research at our world-renowned National Robotics Engineering Center and classified research at our Software Engineering Institute.”(, research) The presence of these two research centers attracts students who want to expand their research to other high standard communities. Which again is how structure can lure in a specific audience.

Adapting to a new environment as a freshman in college is quite difficult for certain individuals. Which CMU understood and actively did something about. As stated previously the landing page is very important to a student. On the CMU landing page it allows us to see a community that actively gets together for certain events. Different cultures gather around celebrating traditional activities to enlighten others. Not only limiting to the cultural/race tragedies going on in the world we live in today. Carnegie Mellon University acknowledges the racial prospects of our society. Listed on the diversity page of the CMU website it states,”CMU has been examining our role in the fight to confront racism, and promote social justice, inclusion and economic empowerment. Now more than ever, we must work together as a community to bring diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) into greater focus across Carnegie Mellon.” (, diversity) By acknowledging the racial roles of our society CMU allows black and POC( people of color) students to freely engage with the community with the support of Carnegie Mellon University support. Being comfortable in your learning environment is an extremely important aspect you need to succeed—which CMU is actively inhabiting for all its students.


Carnegie Mellon University wants to attract very diverse, outgoing people. People who are innovative and typically want to expand their technology aspects even farther. Students that participate in their classes but also participate and engage in afterschool on campus activities. These things are the very things that make a student stand out to the CMU faculty and community.


After reading and taking in the concepts of this college, I personally would not attend this college.  Even if money or location did not play a factor in my life, CMU still wouldn’t be a choice that I would consider. Not because of anything with the community of the school but merely the main pathways. Carnegie Mellon University is known for its research and technological aspects. Which clashes with the pathway I want to take to advance my future. I plan on obtaining my doctorate in physical therapy and I would prefer to go to a college where the major I am going into is the main pathway of the school. A good and effectable education is one of my values. Being able to grow my desired dream into a successful career, holds high value to me. Since I am interested in attending a school with a strong medical program, that is where I should attend. If I had a future in computer science or engineering I highly believe then I would want to attend Carnegie Mellon University. This university is excellent for computer science/ technological majors. Although I admire the community and the environment that CMU creates I do not believe it is the best place for me to grow educationally.


Works cited


“Homepage – CMU – Carnegie Mellon University.” CMU, Accessed March 2022,

“About – CMU – Carnegie Mellon University.” CMU, Accessed March 2022,

“Diversity – CMU – Carnegie Mellon University.” CMU, Accessed March 2022,

“Research- CMU – Carnegie Mellon University.” CMU, Accessed March 2022,

“Student- experience – CMU – Carnegie Mellon University.” CMU, Accessed March 2022,

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