Finals Hacks Group 2

A. Take more time each day to study.

  1. Make sure to distribute the time evenly
  2. Study in short bursts
  3. Find a quiet place  

B. Create a study guide if none is provided.

  1. An example of this would be to create flash cards.

C. Create an organized schedule.

D. Organize a study group.

  1. Get together with classmates from the same class to catch up on studying.

E. Don’t procrastinate.

F. Reach out to professor if you have questions.

  1. It is important to ask questions if you are having trouble with something. Most professors are more than happy to help.

G. Take breaks, rest is very important.

H. Make sure to eat well during these times. This could be something as simple as eating breakfast.

I. Write down a goal for how much and what you want to get done for the day.

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