Final Hacks

Group 1 




  1. Make a study guide and take notes on what you would understand for upcoming tests. 
  2. You can make a study guide for upcoming finals. 
  3. Eliminate all distractions 

           A.  Gather information from all chapters that you would be tested on. For math, you could write down all the formulas you may need to practice or when it comes to english you could write down vocabulary words. Also, you could highlight with a marker or underline with a pencil any important topics that you have a concern with. 

         B. You can prioritize notes from the chapters you suffered the most to chapters you suffered the least. With this format, it gives more time and understanding for the chapters. Also, even though you have more confidence in other chapters doesn’t mean you should not study for it. 

          C. Schedule times where you can go over the notes and study them. Find good times you could study for the tests, so like 4-5 hours before test day and 2-3 hours on test days. You would want to create a study guide for 24-48 hours. You should break down each hour to distinguish the times you would want to study. Also in between study breaks, you should take 5-15 minutes to relax your mind then continue on to the next subject. During your study breaks, you could go for a walk around your neighborhood or talk to a friend. 

          D. You should study in places that you feel comfortable. Gather any snacks like fruits, veggies, or nuts before going to your study environment to eliminate you from being distracted from hunger.  You could place the snacks right next to your study materials to make it easier for you to have access. If you have any electronic devices, you should turn off your phone or turn off any tvs that could distract you. Find a place, where it’s strictly off from friends or any family from being around you. 

          E.  You could create your own tests for the subjects. So, you could go through the notes that were taken and form each one into your own question. In addition, you could go to the web and search for you practice tests related to your studies. 

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