Final Hacks

  1. Angel, Hollard, Toonna (Group 3)
  2. A good study practice is studying in smaller increments of time as it improves long-term memory and retention.
  3. To successfully master a subject, you should:
    1. Make time to study. You don’t want to start studying and be abruptly interrupted, so allot at most an hour of time to give yourself room for any mishaps/preparation.
    2. Find a suitable atmosphere to study—a nice quiet place to study such as your bedroom or a library.
    3. Separate yourself from all possible distractions. If you know you tend to look at your phone (or anything else) constantly, be sure to set it aside, so it doesn’t distract you.
    4. Gather everything you’ll need to be successful. This includes notes, homework, or even a small snack to keep you focused on your study session.
    5. Once you’re settled, set up a timer for 45 minutes and begin your study session. Be sure to take your time and not rush. Studying in smaller increments of time is more beneficial to your long-term memory than cramming information.
    6. Repeat this process once or twice a day until you master the subject. Avoid doing this process within 4 hours of your last study session, over the same subject. Feel free to study another subject utilizing the same process to reduce repetitiveness.

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