Clemson University – Major Project 3 (Update)


Angel Sabino 

English 1102

Professor Weaver



Clemson strives to be a place that can become home to students. Throughout the whole school, students can be satisfied with the activists that the school offers. The University of Clemson’s ideal students are those that have future goals, and ambitions, While still having historical traditions within themselves. The University of Clemson’s mission is to have students be a part of something big as the campus looks semi-new but keeps an old type of historical architecture.


When first opening the website question “What will Clemson start for you ?” is on the home page of the official Clemson website and opens up the idea of growth. The question is associated with the definition of Large Rhetorical called case studies, a “Research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a subject of study,” stated Wikipedias definition. This question also brings up the strategy purpose in a Small “In-the-text” Rhetorical Strategie method by making the students look at the future of the visitor. Clemson also looks at them themselves as “family,” which gives their students a sense of purpose. Clemson also has a strong relationship with its students, unlike many other large universities, in academic and athletic success. The soccer program in Clemson has won the “National state championship” in D1 college soccer. This success also relates to many other sports programs at Clemson.

Further, more on the websites, visitors can see that Clemson creates a significant amount of the small “In-the-text” Rhetorical strategy purpose. For example, the statement “Join the Clemson Family” is a prime example of how Clemson has created a feeling of belonging among students. The Clemson website writer used this “In dept” strategy as a method of Large Rhetorical Case studies to attract high school students to their college. This Large Rhetorical case study helps the university build trust among the students and helps in their path to being their future selves. Most importantly, the university wants the students to feel like college students and be comfortable enough to seek a new beginning. Clemson makes seeking a new beginning easy with its many activities in and out of school. These significant and historical traditions also attract many students to their college.


There, the leading college in Sikes Hall in South Carolina. The location is just one of the many attractions that make Clemson unique to visitors. Like Clemson, the city also has a lot to offer, and so does the Natural life. Clemson sits next to East Beach in South Carolina, according to Many students take the time to go to these places. All the surrounding activities that the website shows make the students more engaged in what the college offers. The activities make students more “In-dept,” this is the definition from Wikipedia regarding large Rhetorical case studies. Their financial support, as well as the administration, is one of the best in South Carolina. The university also has to offer historical and new programs. While Clemson is making changes throughout the college, it still holds historical traditions. Most students like these traditions. The university is also a deficient populated city home to most students who attend Clemson. They have many activities, but they also have many “Upcoming campus events” that students can partake in. Unlike many other large universities, Clemson provides students with the facilities and tools to do what they strive for academically and athletically. 


“Would I go to this college?” Is the big questions here. There are better universities than Clemson with a better campus, program, and staff. Although the admission and campus are lovely, The sense of a family environment throughout the college is what would make me go to this college. The amount of activities and the capability to do anything physically is terrific, and the ideologies of the university also make me want to go to Clemson. The critical thing that makes me want to come to this university is the sense of belonging and the new programs it offers. The major that I would like to pursue also plays a big part in my decision in wanting to go to this Clemson. Overall, I would like to go to this college because of the things it offers.

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