Academic Profile of Trenton Marshall

This essay is an insight into who Trenton Marshall’s academic self is, based on different interviews and regular conversations that I had with him. Trenton is an 18-year-old student in his first year at Georgia State University. He has been to many different schools around Georgia, because he moved around a lot in his younger years of childhood. He graduated from Tucker high school in 2021, and he came straight to college right after high school. One of the reasons Trenton chose to come to college right after high school, is because he did not want to waste time and he would like to accomplish the goals that he has set in place for him self on his own time. Trenton is studying computer engineering and he is striving to be an information technology specialist (IT). Trenton got some of his inspiration for his passion for his future profession from his uncle, who is an IT manager, and because he has a genuine passion for science and technology.  

Speaking of his uncle, in his family life, Trenton has one older brother, three younger brothers, and one younger sister. His older brother had an influence on him coming to GSU in the first place, because he saw that the school had so much to offer. He has lived with his mom all his life, which shows the impact she has on him. His mom is his mentor, since he sees that his mom is so hardworking, that has influenced him to be the same way. The three words that Trenton used to describe his academic self are hardworking, determined, and procrastinating. To some, the words “hardworking” and “procrastinator” can be antonyms, but for Trenton it is as if it is a badge of honor. He has said even though he pushes his work off sometimes, he will always make sure it is done, and that when it is done it will be done correctly. I asked Trenton why he was so hardworking he replied with, “I have to get some money, being unsuccessful is not an option.” He also said that his ambition is a sentiment to be where he wants to be in life.  

In college, Trenton shared that a frustration he has at times, is having to go through all the math courses to get where he wants to be for his degree and future career. He told me that often in math, he has a tough time navigating through everything there is to learn. Since his major and future profession relies heavily on math, he must understand all the intermediate course work before moving on to tougher classes. He even told me that, since he is so determined to accomplish his goals of working in technology, when struggling with hard math course work, he would end up studying the material before and after the class for a better understanding.  

The conclusion I have, after talking with Trenton, is that he is going to do what needs to be done to carry out his dreams. Talking with him is really a breath of fresh air, being that he is such an optimist. He also gave me a different outlook on college in general. While talking to him he showed me different views on college life, one being that he chose to stay close to home. His attitude towards college and to the work that he gets shows how his academic self-shines through in reference to his favorite reading in the class. His favorite reading is “COVID-Era College: Are Students Satisfied.” The reading said “Expectations aside, students generally fell in line” when it comes to returning to school. This reading relates to Trenton, because like the students in the reading Trenton has his own struggles with how school is now because of the pandemic and then having to adjust when returning back to school. In high school Trenton took online courses and even though he might not have liked them, he adapted to this new lifestyle and persevered through it to be able to succeed. Trenton’s academic profile shows us that no matter how many drawbacks there are, whether it comes from your approach to work or the work that you gets for your major, there is always a way to succeed and accomplish your goals if you have the will to do it. 



Ezarik, Melissa, COVID-Era College: Are Students Satisfied, Inside Higher Ed, 24 March 2021 

Marshall Trenton, Pair Interview transcript, Conducted by Jaslyn Hamilton, February 2022 


Ranup Katwal’s Academic Self

Introducing: Ranup Katwal.  

Ranup is a student at Georgia State Perimeter College whose family moved to the United States about ten years ago. Since the beginning of his academic journey, Ranup’s passion has been a career in Computer Science.  

While talking about our academic selves, I discovered that we have a few things in common that connect us. First, we are both in the same English class, which is a given similarity. Second, Ranup is a first-generation college student; and so am I. In the past, Ranup struggled with regularly making good grades, and frequently found it easier to meet the mark at the average point and stop there. After taking a step back and reflecting on his performance in high school, Ranup found that continuing his education would lead him to a field he would find passion in, unlike school had given him in the past.  

Education is a journey that leads to larger opportunities, like Ranup discovering that developing open-world games, rather than only playing them, would be the right career path he would enjoy partaking in. From what I learned while meeting with Ranup, open-world games offer endless opportunities for its players to enjoy. From an introspective standpoint, our experiences and academic selves push us onward to larger goals, similarly to the hypothetical characters in the games Ranup wishes to develop in the future.  




Works Cited:

Katwal, Ranup. Academic Profile. 2 Feb. 2022.

Abdulaziz Academic Self

            I would like to introduce you to Abdulaziz Usman. He is a 15-year-old first year student here at Georgia state university. He spent most of his life here in Georgia. Abdulaziz attended many different k-12 schools, simply because the schools in his area wasn’t good, that it lacked good education. He chose Georgia state because it is close to him. He started college right after high school because he didn’t want to waste any time and to finish school early so he can have a jump start in his career. Abdulaziz is going to get his degree in computer science then later get his bachelors.       

         Three words that describes Abdlaziz academic self is Determined, curious and worrisome. He is determined to do his best in all his class and make all A’s and B’s. Although he wants to learn new things, he is worried because he is not so sure if he is doing the assignments right, or if he understands the materials that is given to him. Abdlaziz quickly realized that college isn’t the same as high school, where in high school he didn’t have to try harder, and the learning came easier to him. He wasn’t fully preparing for how different college was and the amount of adapting he had to do. Later he knew that if he wanted to do right in college, he needs to put in more time to study. Make more effort into doing his work and be engaged in class time.

         Abdlaziz said after learning about the 5-step study cycle he saw an improvement in his work, and he felt more confident. He stated working harder and continued to do his best. He realized if he wants to do his best, he got to put fourth all the hard work to not only make himself proud but his family. Abdlaziz determination made him a better student now. He is always looking for more opportunity to improve his academic self. He Is now looking at his academic self and he proud of it, this made him more motivated. The way he stared the semester off nothing was going right for him, all the work he did he felt as if it was worthless and wanted to give up, but he remember is family and all the hard work they did to make him have a better life and education. This made him not to give up but only to work harder.

      Although abdlaziz and I came from different background we are much similar. We both went through tuff times in school, where we wanted to give up, frustrated on how much college was hard. We didn’t let this small set back fail us, it motivated us to do better make ourselves and families proud. This is a lesson learned and we will continue to better in school.

Work cited


Usman, Abdlaziz. Interview. By Isatu Diallo 3 February 2022

Academic Profile of Brandon Powell


                                          Academic Profile of Brandon Powell


  I’ve had the time to meet with Brandon Powell to talk about his academic profile. Our interviews included us discussing his goals, not only academically, but his goals in life as well. Brandon is 20 years old, and it is his second semester hear at Georgia Perimeter. He was born in St. Thomas and spent Kindergarten through 4th grade in the Virgin Islands. In the middle of 4th grade, he moved to Virginia for about two years. In 6th grade, he moved to Georgia where he attended and graduated from Shiloh Highschool. Brandon’s major is Computer Science and hopes to have a career with programing video games. He enjoys creating content videos for YouTube with his friends.

     One thing Brandon is passionate about is school. He’s always been a great student and what keeps him going is the influence he gets from his mom. Growing up, his mom taught him that’s its important to put school first. Being academically successful is always a key aspect to have. Going to school and getting and education is important to him. His favorite subject in school is English. Brandon is a great writer and has a love for books. He loves to read and write about Greek Mythology and his favorite book series to read is the Percy Jackson’s books.

   Brandon’s music teacher also influences him. His music teachers taught him creativity and showed him another love for music. Being able to also teach a group of people music is another strong aspect Brandon has. Brandon had a passion for music and used to be a part of the choir program in school. While he was a part of choir, he used to teach the boys how to sing in the Tenor key. I asked Brandon why he decided to major in Computer Science rather than music and he said that he “lost his passion”. When his old high school got a new choir teacher, it just wasn’t the same to him.

   Three words to describe Brandon’s academic self is persistent, hardworking, and “very lazy”, or as I like to call it, a procrastinator. When he told me that he built his own computer, I was very shocked. Not a lot of people can say that they can create their own computer, so for Brandon to have a creative skill like that is amazing. Being a procrastinator might not be a good trait to have, but it never stopped Brandon. He has the skills to be academically successful in the technology field, and if he ever gets his passion back, he can also be successful in the music industry. I know whichever route Brandon goes with, he’ll be the best at it.

Getting To Know Gal Bornstein’s Academic Self

Eyuel Ferede


English 1102

                Getting To Know Gal Bornstein’s Academic Self

Gal is a student at GSU perimeter college who is majoring in health science with the intention of going into nursing. He got most of his education in Savana, GA. K-12 Gal was a committed student and had good grades, but after finishing high school, instead of going straight to college like the majority of us, he found a different path for himself as a chef (which to be honest, I found amazing). After working as a chef for five years, he realized he was not enjoying it as much as he used to and knew he had to make a career change. “I didn’t enjoy cooking for the rich,” Gal said as I was interviewing him. Being a chef was what really influenced and pushed him to go back to school. After his career as a chef, he was motivated to start school, but this time with the work ethic he had learned during his time as a chef, which is greatly benefiting him.

Gal is academically motivated, committed, and patient enough to see this through. He is quite proud of his academic ability to remain focused and complete the task at hand, even when he does not enjoy or want to do it. It is Gal’s second semester at GSU, and he chose to attend this school because he planned on getting into an associate nursing program, and there were none in Savannah, but he also saw it as a fresh start, a new opportunity to get to know different people and have something new in his life. His favorite read was “COVID-ERA College: Are Students Satisfied?” He hated chemistry in high school, but now it turned out to be his favorite subject. He has also found a new appreciation for math and science.

Bornstein, Gal. “Academic Self Interview.” 30 Jan. 2022.

Posted in 298

My take on Fatoumata

This is my take on the interview I had with my partner, Fatoumata Diallo on her upbringing to how she got to where is currently. We scheduled interview questions via text message due to both of our busy schedules and proceeded from there. Fatoumata is a 17 year old college attendee attending Georgia State University’s Clarkston Campus. I say attendee because Fatoumata is in the DECA program which allows her to take college courses as a high school student. She is the first in her family to go to college and she plans on graduating in the class of 2024 with her bachelor’s degree in Biology. She received her k-12 education in the state of Georgia at a variety of schools, which influenced her decision to stay within the state to pursue a higher level of education. 

I made it my responsibility to understand my partner and how she describes herself, academically. She described herself as a hardworking, visual, and flexible person. We share a common factor which is that we both attended the DECA program. This program is for scholars that are very hardworking to earn a chance to graduate high school with both a college associate’s degree and high school diploma which she is taking advantage of. She then mentioned that her best way of learning new material or reviewing past material is to see the material multiple times and make sure to quiz herself. I felt as though this was an amazing habit that she picked up and felt the need to take note of that for myself. Lastly, she mentioned that she is very flexible in the way that she learns so she is very open to new learning mechanisms and feel as though there is no one way to learn anything. 

Fatoumata presented to me that her main goal is to strive to be the best her she can be. She believes academic success is important, and goes on to show this through her work. With her being a first generation student and graduate, she must focus on the most important things for herself right now which is going to the next level. Due to Fatoumata taking advantage of the program that she is in, she is even closer to getting her bachelor’s degree and she plans on finding a job within that field immediately after graduating. During our discussions, she would mention the importance of this milestone for not only herself, but also for her family as well. 

Mensur Muzyin

Hardworking is one of many words I’ll use to describe Mensur Muzyin. In his first year in college, Mensur is intended to major in Computer and Electrical Engineering. He is from Ethiopia and has just moved to America to start college. With this change, Mensur had to adjust to the learning standards of America rather than Ethiopia. Overcoming the struggles of taking on 17 credits and working 20 hours Mensur doesn’t waste his time. So far he has done well and plans to build a strong foundation for his future career.

Some people could never guess what it’s like moving from one country to another, especially to go to school. There could be tons of barriers holding one back from fully grasping another culture. In Mensur’s case, it would be how the material is taught in the two countries. One example would be in math, in American schools PEMDAS is taught, which means parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. However, in Ethiopia BODMAS is taught, which means brackets, order, division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction. It’s a small difference compared to many others, but if one from a different country was asked to solve the American PEMDAS they wouldn’t be able to unless they did the research.

A small link could be found between Mensur’s situation and the reading “COVID-ERA College: Are Students Satisfied?” This article is about how college students feel about coming back to school during the time of covid, like are they ready to come back? Will it be easy for them? How can we help? In a case like Mensur’s, it would be easy to make sure a transition like country swapping is as smooth as possible. With the right protocols because of covid, it would be easy to set up a better system or program to welcome international students, rather than make them go through a stressful process just to get admitted, then more processes to get settled with classes.

Mensur is dedicated and focused on setting himself up for success in the future. Taking on 17 credits in school and 20 hours of work and still doing good in school with no complaints. As a student, he has a promising future ahead of him and with no doubt, he will d anything to keep up the great work.


Ezarik, M. (2021, March 24). Student experiences during COVID and campus reopening concerns. Retrieved February 9, 2022, from

Jaslyn’s academic self

This essay is based off my partner Jaslyn Hamilton and what is considered to be her academic self. Throughout a few days of interviewing her and holding several conversations I’ve gathered a good amount of information from Jaslyn. Jaslyn Hamilton is a 16-year-old student and has attended Georgia State University through dual enrollment for the last six months.Jaslyn plans on graduating from Dekalb Early College Academy which is the school she attends along with going to GSU. Jaslyn is majoring in criminal justice and is currently taking intro to criminal justice as one of her classes. Jaslyn wants to have a successful career as a lawyer or a private eye, being that her mother is her biggest inspiration for proceeding down this career path.  


Jaslyn’s mother has made her into the young lady that she is today and has a major influence on to who she is. She states that her mother is the influences her morals, traits that she displays, and many other attributes to who she is as a person. Jaslyn’s mother encourages her to be the best version of herself and shows her how to improve on her bad qualities. Her mother is the hardest working person that she knows so she wants to be able to return the same energy. The three words that Jaslyn uses to describe her academic self are proactive, adaptive, and hardworking. By being proactive Jaslyn says that she gets all her work done in a timely manner so that she can turn assignments in on time. She finds that being adaptive to different learning styles/ teaching styles has gotten her a long way during her time at GSU. Jaslyn stated, “I can adapt pretty easily to new teaching styles, new classes and schedules in order to succeed”. Jaslyn has always been known as hardworking and goes beyond no matter how much assignments she’s been assigned. As either a lawyer or private eye, she will have to go above and beyond in order to procure the best results in that field.

During her time in college, Jaslyn shared a frustration that she has been having. Her frustration occurs when different teachers weigh different assignments at different percentages. She explains that in high school there are a set of percentages things are weighed for in each class. “Usually, homework and classwork were weighed more than test, but in college what assignments they want to weigh more than others. The professors can really weigh any assignment with any percentages that they want”.


To conclude my interview with Jaslyn, what I’ve gathered from my time in speaking with her is that she is very set on her goals and will stop at nothing to accomplish them. During this interview I’ve learned things that I haven’t learned before such as what a private eye is. Speaking with Jaslyn has helped me understand that everyone has their own path that they must walk in life, and no one’s will be the same. She has a great academic self and I see her succeeding in her path to become a lawyer or private eye. Throughout the few things that we have watching during this semester so far, her favorite reading was “Redesigning College Education: Dismantling Trauma During Covid”. While reviewing this reading, Jaslyn states that she can relate to it in terms of mental stability. In that article she understands how stressful the situations may have been for them. She realizes that everyone is going through their own battles and troubles in their own way and can sympathize with them.

Yvette Chambliss, Business Woman In the Making: Academic Profile

After meeting with Yvette Chambliss, I found out that she was a very entertaining and sociable person to work with. She attended Grayson Highschool in August 2017 and graduated in May of 2021. She was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and has four other siblings. Chambliss describes herself as a very consistent and hard-driven person, with big dreams and a bright future that she seeks to fulfil one day in her life. She is currently a first-year student at the Georgia State University Clarkston Campus and is looking towards transferring to the Atlanta Campus. She also has issues when it comes to procrastination and meeting certain deadlines, however, she is determined to follow a business path and open her own boutique one day.  

Deadlines are one of the things in life that we all struggle to manage with. It can be a simple task such as picking someone up in time, or an intense task, such as finishing an essay in time. Yvette is also one of those students who manages to start an assignment or task, but usually leaves it till the last minute. Even though she procrastinates a lot, she tends to manage and work great under pressure. As others may find deadlines as something helpful, Yvette finds deadlines negative, because she says that “If you are given a week to complete an essay and do it last minute, imagine if you were given one year to do an essay.” This motivation allows her to move away from deadlines and allows her to see that she should be proactive every day, and to pace herself. This motivation not only applies to her school life, but also to her career. She is currently using her social skills to reach out and find connections to get her business moving. You cannot wait until the last minute to get major tasks done; therefore, she is using this time to start a foundation for herself. 

As Yvette manages to pave her way through her procrastination, she also manages to keep her head up and maintain a good drive and puts effort into the things she does. Yvette still makes her work at school effortful, and outdoes herself, when it comes to assignments. She manages to get all the materials and resources she needs to be successful in school. She expresses that she enjoyed the period when students were online, during quarantine, because she got a moment to clear her head, and get adjusted to a pristine environment. In “COVID-Era College: Are Students Satisfied,” Melissa Ezarik explains, how there were some students who preferred to stay online, when it came to regards to educational purposes, and that they did not want to go back face to face at all. Yvette is one that tends to be better online, however, because of her determination to make her dream of a reality, she must be faced to face, to make the right connections. 

While Yvette keeps her motivation up and hopes up, she also knows that her pathway will not only be rewarding to her but will also morally make her feel better. She wants to have felt the pressure of school, studies, and rigorous work, to get to her boutique in pink bold letters flashing across the city. She wants to be able to produce income through a job that she enjoys and will not stress over. She wants to have made her education worth the wait, as many others have invested their time and money in professions that do not allow them to feel emotionally better. 


Consistency is also another factor that Yvette considers when it comes to her academics and realizes that the more you are consistent with your assignments, the less you stress. In a perfect world, you would be able to complete stress-free tasks, however in our world, we always have constant barriers that prevent us from meeting deadlines. Yvette always tends to make the most out of her days by being bold. She is the first person that shows her passion for her favorite color pinks. Her confidence is what allows her to make connections every day, which leaves her room for a potential opportunity. 

As Yvette grows, she gets more wiser, and realizes that her actions at school can affect her future. One day she wants to be financially free and have the freedom to do anything that pleases her. As she slowly manages to change for her better future, she still faces problems and issues that come her way. However, she still fights through her issues, and rolls with the punches of life, to get one step closer to her boutique. Making positive changes to your academic self can really come a long way, even if it includes waking up 15 minutes earlier than your usual time. Boot up because your future is one door away, so do not be afraid to be bold, and make your dreams happen. 



Work Cited:

Chambliss, Yvette. Personal Interview. 1 February 2022.

Student Experiences during COVID and Campus Reopening Concerns,

Posted in 304

Madison Przybylski

I didn’t get to Talk with Madison That much, so the information I’m about to share won’t be much.

Madison is a First Generation College Student from her family, although her dad went to college to study in the medical fields, he had to drop out due to lack of financial aid, this was the case for many people in the previous generation, unlike us who are given education for basically free, only wealthy would have a chance at college, Growing up as a first-generation college student isn’t always easy since there is a lack of passive guidance(your parents), this, however, can be countered if you talk to people and ask for help, but Madison was an introvert, during her early academics, Madison didn’t reach out for help, she didn’t thrive for more than what was needed to pass the class(someone prusing education shouldn’t be doing this), Madison later came to the realization after entering college, that a person must give it all they have in order to succeded in learning, Madison currently works, and goes to college at the same time, she may not have much time to study but there’s a saying that “your biggest disadvantage is your biggest advantage”, i hope she can grow academically, and use what she has learned as a student to teach her future students, since she’s pursing education major.

To sum it up,  When evaluating a person’s true academic self we must look at their growth over time, instead of the time they’ve spent in academics, in madison’s case her academic self only really grew after coming to college, since her k-12 academics were spent without any real goal for academics(she didn’t have a passion to learn more), Evaluation of academic self is different for different people, for example, a prodigy might have an academic growth from pre-k all the up to higher education(Ph.D.) which a normal person would have a graph that rarely goes up, in most cases it goes up until k-12 then goes down exponentially starting from college, this is due to the fact that students in lower education(k-12) aren’t taught meta-cognition, well not in the true sense(there’re only taught the first level which is to remember).