Academic Profile of Chloe Richey

On this assignment I will be making an academic profile of Chloe Richey. This information was retrieved from meetings I had with her during and after class, and interviews made during phone calls where we both worked on each other’s profiles throughout the two weeks that the assignment took place.

Chloe Richey was born on October 26th of 2004. She was born in Greensboro, Georgia and lived there until her family decided to move to Atlanta when she was in the third grade. Her dad is a truck driver and her mom works as an assistant nurse. She wanted to be a choreographer from a very young age, but due to her mom being a nurse and hearing stories about her mom’s patients, she realized she wanted to follow her mom’s path and become a nurse. Chloe is currently a dual enrollment student. She attends Dekalb Early College Academy and is taking four classes at Georgia State University. She is to graduate high school in 2023. 

The words Chloe used to describe herself were: determined, hardworking, and overanalyzing. When she was younger, she never struggled with grades. Her mom never had to worry about her not getting her homework done or failing a class because she was always determined to do well academically and every other aspect of her life. Chloe mentioned that when she started with dual enrollment her family would question if it was too much for her, but she always replied no because she knew that she needed to work hard to achieve her goal. Nevertheless, overthinking may sometimes get a little too much. Chloe talked about how she used to feel that if she made a mistake, there was always time to make up for it. But now that she is experiencing college, she feels that every minute counts, and that she can’t afford to make a mistake.

Chloe has categorized herself as a “visual” and “hands-on” learner. She said that if she were to watch a video, she would be able to learn enough from it, but that she prefers to work out a problem herself.

Overall, Chloe is a very hardworking and determined person that will do whatever is necessary to achieve her goal. Many people graduate high school not having a single clue of what they want to do with their life. Meanwhile, Chloe has not graduated yet and is already working towards her future. While working on this assignment I realized how many things we have in common, and I believe that she will overcome any obstacle that comes her way and become a successful woman one day.

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