Academic Profile of Thomesia Williams

Abass Salat
Engl 1102 + Section 312 – Weaver
Academic Self Analysis
Date Due: 9 February 2022

Academic Profile of Thomesia Williams

            Thomesia, who goes by Tee, is an ambitious, resourceful, and adaptive person in her academic life. She bettered and matured her academic self greatly since highschool. Her response to the Covid-19 pandemic and transition from highschool to college was not to depreciate or make her academic self less productive. Rather, she pushed herself to better her academic self and increase her capabilities. She gradually became more ambitious, adaptive to new circumstances, and resourceful.

            Ever since the first semester of college, Tee started to become academically ambitious. During her remote learning period, Tee was among the 80 percent of students that the article “COVID-Era College: Are Students Satisfied?” mentioned were unmotivated during remote learning (Ezarik 6). Tee’s story fits really well with the chemistry student that was quoted to have said, “It’s kind of hard because you can see your bed. They don’t mandate video and don’t know if you’re listening” (Ezarik 6). This environment promoted Tee to put in minimal effort. When Tee got to college and classes were mostly in-person, she was no longer in that low effort promoting environment. She had to increase the amount of effort she put into school, and she started to become ambitious. She began to make sure to be attentive to assignments and deadlines and even developed a system to avoid having late work. Tee works on assignments before the regular time to start to stay ahead of her class. This gives her a safety net that she can fall on incase she has to put off when to start an assignment. This increase in ambition made Tee much better off and boosted Tee’s productivity.

            Tee also takes advantage of all the resources given to her. For example, she takes advantage of office hours when she needs some talking time with a professor. She also studies with a network of other students which helps her understand and learn the material of that class better. In a situation where an assignment is confusing or there is a concept Tee did not fully grasp, these resources come in handy for her. Tee prevents herself from falling behind the class because of her full utilization of these support structures and resources. Overall, this leads to Tee having better grades and feeling less alone in class tasks.

            Tee is also very adaptive to circumstances when they change. She has the capability to change her schedule to accommodate for unprecedented changes to her free time and how much work she has to do. In a situation where her workload is increased or responsibilities take up more of her schedule, Tee does not crumble under pressure. Instead, Tee switches her schedule around, identifies windows of time, and plans work for those windows. Because of her adaptive skills, she avoids procrastination and does not go under system failure whenever her schedule is altered.

            Tee combines her ambitious character, her full utilization of resources, and adaptive skills to boost her academic productivity. With these abilities, her academic self can achieve the goals she sets out. They reduce the likeliness of Tee experiencing setbacks such as not having adequate time to study, failing an exam, and failing balance her academic life with the other parts of her life. Tee has a finely tuned academic self and it did not appear out of thin air. This academic self was built, and one has to appreciate the strategic creation of it.


Work Cited

Ezarik, Melissa. “Student Experiences during COVID and Campus Reopening Concerns.” COVID-Era College: Are Students Satisfied?, Inside Higher Ed, 24 Mar. 2021,


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