Meet Mohamed!

 Mohamed was a very interesting person to interview. Mohamed currently attends highschool at Lakeside and is a part-time student at Georgia State perimeter college. The first thing I noticed about Mohamed was his eagerness to start the first major assignment. Muhhamed always came prepared to our meetings which led me to assume he was always prepared for his classes.  I found out that before he became a dual enrollment student at Georgia state he wasn’t always ready to learn. In his early days of highschool he would often come to class without his homework completed and would be unprepared.  Mohamed went to explain that when he became a student at georgia state he realized that in college you were responsible for your own grade. The contrast of highschool teachers’ leniency and care about missing assignments vs college professors was evident. He struggled with not being able to make up  missing assignments.  Mohamed emphasized that this is what really pushed him to get serious about school. He’s always loved learning but he struggled with focusing and procrastinating. Being a student athlete made it even more difficult to stay on task. Late practices right after school, games on the weekdays and weekends, and the exhaustion from it all, are all things that slowed him down. However, he set his priorities straight and created a set schedule that would aid him in staying focused. Once he put more effort, everything else improved. His best classes were always science and math, and of course gym. Numbers always came easy to him, and math being included in science only made things better for him.  Mohamed announced choosing to do dual enrollment was the best decision he ever made for himself. He’s able to get ahead in his education while still enjoy the highschool experience.  He has not decided on his major yet, but dual enrollment is definitely helping him figure it out. Conversing more with him, he opened up on how as a little kid he with struggled with pronunciation. It affected how he communicated with his teachers and fellow classmates. Which was then reflected on his school work, however with the attention and help from his teachers and parents, he soon overcame his obstacle. He’s always had a strong support system that was always there to help him out if he ever needed it. Speaking with Muhammed as a whole, his story genuinely made an impact on me. Some of the things he had to work on, I had to do the same. It was truly a pleasure to converse with Muhammed.

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