Academic Profile of Kash Johnson

My project is on the academic perspective of Kashauna Johnson, but she prefers to go by Kash. Kash currently majors in early childhood education and this is her last semester here before moving to the main campus which she is very excited for. Kash comes from Texas and graduated high school from Brookwood High. She currently a teacher for 2nd graders, and after watching a video of her kids creating a play for a talent show, I can see her passion for her line of work.

When asked about 3 words that describe her academically, Kash said procrastinator, hard-working, and consistent. Kash says her procrastination stems from her wanting to get the job done perfectly, and I can relate to that significantly. Although she said she procrastinates, she also says she’s working to limit that and works diligently to get the task finished. I asked Kash how was school for her growing up. Kash stated that “Elementary school was easy to me, that I was a distraction to the other kids because I understood it faster.” Kash was put into a GT program (Gifted and Talented) program and was able to use her intelligence (and hyperactivity) on field trips and harder work. However, things changed when she moved to Georgia when her mom got a job as a Deputy. Middle School showed to be a harder challenge, and she applied herself less, and just wanted whatever grade she got.

Although she had a rough middle school experience, Kash had her mom to push her to continue to try in school. She got back up and continued to motivate herself for school. Kash had less problems in Highschool, and was able to graduate and head to West Georgia. She lived on campus, and she joked that with all the fun she had, she had troubles with doing the work. Her aloof caused he to fail Language Arts 1102 in the end at the final exam. This links to Dr. Chews “How to get the most out of studying” video where he explains that “Effective preparation requires your total focus” where she was having fun and not getting rid of her distractions to do her work.

After Kash went through educational hardships, she began to go through financial hardships, as West Georgia wasn’t giving her financial aid. This is similar to what Roshelle Czar had to go through. Even though she “grew up with an innate passion for school” she had struggles financially and there was nothing the school could’ve done to help. Even though this situation would’ve left many people broken and their dreams shattered, Kash pushed through and found Georgia State University to finish her classes. This keeps up to her Hardworking nature, and because of that I was able to tell her story. Kash consistently choose not to give up and went down the harder road to get the dream she planned for herself. Hearing Kash’s story provides me with this question; How much should someone sacrifice given the circumstances of their life, and does everyone need someone to push them, similar to who Kash had in her life?

Works Cited

Blog, #RealCollege. “Redesigning College Education: Dismantling Trauma during Covid.” Medium, Medium, 28 Oct. 2021,

How to Get the Most Out of Studying, Stephen Chew,

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