Say Whats Up to Collin

I had the assignment to interview one of my classmates two weeks ago, the partner I was paired up with was my classmate, Collin. This essay is the collection of questions, answers, and opinions we shared during our project. We discussed our goals, academic experiences, and expectations.

          Collin is a cool and interesting guy, he’s dual-enrolled so he’s currently in high school but he’s bright and down to earth for his age. if he had to describe himself academically, he would say he’s, procrastinating, hardworking when he puts his mind into it, and inspired. Collin knows where and what he wants to do with himself.  His goal for this year is to get A’s and B’s and to get into a college he wanted to go to while having everything work out for him. He wants to major in business and minor in marketing. I asked him “ what do you want to do with your major” which he explained how he wants to make a business which model is making ads for other companies, his business will do the research, check the data and trends, and design the perfect ad desired for whichever company hires them. Which to me is a pretty cool idea I hope he continues with and sees through. As we moved on and he asked me his questions I asked some deeper questions such as what was he seeking to experience from college? He told me how he was seeking to make new friends, join clubs and get into fraternity life “the college experience”. Through the interview I found out how he’s currently taking English 1102 as a dual-enrolled student while taking AP Human Geography, AP Microeconomics as well as Calculus, it’s a big order but he seems to have it under control for now.

          Behind my academic life, I found out some interesting things about Collin I was fascinated by the fact we shared some common hobbies from going to the city with our friends, reading, and gardening flowers. The most interesting part is his hobby of running at night and during the day depending on the day. I asked him “what were his favorite majors” but he showed me an interesting new point of view I can stand behind. To paraphrase when I asked him, he said how he doesn’t believe in a favorite major since majors are all just classes, we will have to take he believes in favorite teachers since they’re the ones that make the class enjoyable. To stay on topic though he told me how his favorite teachers were from his math classes. He said his least favorite was from his junior year, but his favorite was in senior year.

While talked we shared what our passions were and to me, his passion is something very unique and wonderful, he explains how he’s into finding Vinyl records and collecting them, he told me about how their prices were rising due to current global affairs. Hearing about how passionate he is about his records I had to know “ what was his top 3 go-to records”

  1. Anti by Rihanna
  2. The Fame Monster (Deluxe) by Lady Gaga
  3. CTRL by SZA

All great albums I’ve heard before.

I had to know what makes Collin him, what inspired him in life what was his drive. Again, I was inspired by his belief, his big drive is “What’s next”. It sounds simple but it’s a drive I think we can all give a try, it pushes him to move forward, it allows him to not get so hung up on the past or failures cause in the big picture he knows that there’s somewhere he’s trying to get to and wallowing on the past and failures isn’t going to help him get to the next part in his life. Since he was a Deca student I had to know how he feels about college now, was it what he was expecting compared to how he thought it was. Surprisingly he was impressed and surprised by the professor’s understanding about you, he was also surprised by the fact of things his teachers told him in high school wouldn’t slide in college was wrong.

After this interview/ project I learned a lot about my classmate Collin, he is interesting and levelheaded. You can learn a lot from him and his points of view.




Wright, Collin. Interview. Conducted by Tyrell Fraser. January 24th, 2022

 Chew, Stephen. Ph.D. Developing a Mindset for Successful Learning. Uploaded by Samford University. March 25, 2015

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