Meet Kuuan

Getting to know my partner these past weeks have been amazing. The never knew that getting to know someone could be this easy until now. Kuuanubari is 21 years old. He was born and raised in Georgia, but his family is from Nigeria. A country located on the western coast of Africa. He majors in mechanical engineering and wants to work on cars. Kuuanubari prefer to be called Kuaan for short because he says that for others it’s hard to pronounce his name right.  I find it cool that his favorite subject is English, and English isn’t his primary language. His primary language is called Gokana. This is Kuuan’s 5th semester at Georgia State. So, because he has been in and out as a part time student, I asked him why he takes breaks and he said, “It could be hard managing school and life and sometimes I needs a break to just get my mind off school”. Three of his favorite things to do during his free time is play basketball, listen to music, and workout. His favorite genre of music is gospel and R&B.  

Three words I chose to describe Kuuan’s academic self are focused, adaptable, and thorough. I say that Kuaan is focused because even when he takes a break from school, he always finds his way back! He continues to work towards that degree and does whatever he needs to do to. To ensure that he stays concentrated on that task, he has his mother to motivate him. Kuaan was able to relate to the reading “COVID-Era College: Are Students Satisfied?” the most. When Covid first started it made things harder for everyone. Especially for students who were heavy on procrastination. According to the article, 80 percent of students struggled with motivation to complete coursework and attend class. Just like almost every student, Kuuan engages in procrastination. He did admit that sometimes it’s hard for him to stay focused when doing schoolwork, but he doesn’t let the procrastination stop him from working towards his goals.

Kuuan works at Walmart. His hours sometimes fluctuate. I know sometimes having a job and dealing with school can be difficult. Especially when it comes to managing your time, staying organized, and getting enough sleep. He adapts very well in any environment, always sets goals for himself and he knows how to acknowledge and accept change. Kuaan is thorough because he is very careful in his work. He makes sure nothing is forgotten. He pays attention to detail, the small things. If it is perfect to him, then that’s when you knows he is finished.

Kuuan is staying strong and continuing to knock these classes down. He doesn’t know what he wants to do nor do he know who he wants to work for but as of right now he is just focusing on getting his degrees. Kuuan in many ways is just like me. We both like to do certain things during our free-time, we both let procrastination get in the way, but when we are on track it is always hard to get us off! What I mean by that is anything that we put our mind to, we make it happen! Lastly, I know that Kuuan will serve a purpose here at Georgia State University and that he has a bright future ahead of him. I hope that we will keep in contact within the years, so I could see how far he has grew and be able to always come back and read this.

Citations: Talking to Kuuan

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