Meet Kiara!

About my partner, Kiara, she had gone through her own academic experience. Back in high school, she had to go through the new school system, which was virtual learning, because the pandemic had taken place. Therefore, she and all other students had no other choice but to adapt to the new alternative system of learning. It was not an easy road for Kiara, for she had to get situated in this new style of learning by getting organized and keeping up in time management. But through all of that, she continued to stay positive, balanced, and determined in order to fulfill her goals of getting good grades and passing her classes. And she did just that, which is outstanding.

Kiara is, currently, attending Georgia state university to pursue her career in criminal justice. She chose Georgia state because the community is better than some other colleges like HBCU, which was another option that she could have attended. In addition to GSU, the school gave her more opportunities to stay focused.  So, as Kiara is attending GSU, she can get her work done and do whatever else that she wants to do such as work or even go to any social events in a timely manner. The reason for this statement is because Kiara realized that if she attended HBCU, she would not have been able to focus on her priorities, therefore, it would negatively affect her performance in school. So, by making the right decision for herself, Kiara has maintained a balanced lifestyle with her personal life and her academics.

Determination is another key factor that Kiara uses to describe her academic self. When it comes to learning, she does whatever it takes to make sure that she understands any material in all aspects. Kiara could not settle for less, so whether if it is to set up meeting times with the professor, to attend any free tutoring classes for help, or even to study in a group with her friends in the library, she has that level of determination in order to succeed. Kiara really understood the concept of dealing with challenges in order to improve. In addition, she knows to plan ahead, which is very important for not just school, but for every single opportunity that is given in life.

Negativity is not a good trait that one must have in his or her life. Therefore, Kiara made sure that she did not include negativity in hers. She is all about positivity, for that is where you really benefit from in life. When you really think about it, what is the point of being negative? What does it do for you? It does not do anything good for you, so there is no need for anybody to portray such a bad habit. Kiara states, “I learned to stay positive because if you are always negative and have bad frequencies around you, it starts to rub off on you and you are just not going to get anything done.”

Ultimately, Kiara has improved, drastically, with her academic self. She, indeed, had to overcome past obstacles to get to where she is at right now, but that is what made her into the person that she is now. If there is one thing that Kiara is proud about with her academic self, that one thing is that she was able to improve academically, and she is also able to take advantage of her time and resources.


  • Giles, Kiara; Kiara’s Academic Profile. January 2022
  • Chew, Stephen, PhD; “Developing a Mindset of Successful Learning”
  • Jonker, Jude; Peer review. February 2022


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